02; Pretty Kitty Returns

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Present Day:

"You don't have to do this"Katherine's mother says as the sit in the car, staring at the building where she fell apart.

Her mother places her hand gently on top of hers and squeezes. That night Katherine had walked to the lake and cut her wrists as she jumped into the water. A few teens on a late night make out session had found her. It was kept on the low and when nobody saw her again, they just figured Nina Patterson had put enough fear in her to make her disappear.

"I'm gonna be fine. Dr. Larson says that I need to face my fears, it'll make me stronger"Kat repeats what her therapist at Green Hill Mental facility had said. Her mom flips her wrist over to see the scars from that horrific night and kisses it. Her and her mom are the best of friends. And with Kat being and only child, her parents are very protective.

"Just have a good day and if anything happens then call me and I'll be there in a heart beat"her mom says as Kat grabs her bag and exits the car. Her heels hit the pavement and she flattens her floral dress and gently touches her bouncy curls to make sure they're perfect.

She waves goodbye and begins to walk towards the school, she ignores the hushed whispers and looks of shock. Katherine Addams had died that day but today she is reborn.

She walks into the school towards her new locker and opens it. She pauses as she gets a sense of deja vu. She shrugs it off and sets her bag in her locker before someone slams it shut, nearly breaking her fingers in the process and she jumps.

"What the holy hell? "she hears the angry voice of Nina Patterson and she turns to see Nina with a look of disgust. Kat had the intention of walking in here and being a bitch but she can't. She refuses to stoop to Nina's level but she also refuses to be walked on.

"Hi, Nina" Kat says giving a friendly smile but Nina laughs humorlessly.

"Am I being punked? Where are the camera's because this isn't funny!"she says loudly as Brooke, Riley and Emma walk over to see what Nina is fussing about.

"Katherine?"Emma asks with wide eyes and Kat smiles. Emma and Riley are the nice ones of the group and attempted to save Kat from several of Nina's vengeful wrath's.

"I'm not here to cause problems. Everything that happened is in the past. I'm just here to learn so please save your wrath for someone else or better yet, just give it up"Kat says and walks away. Her heels clack against the ground making her the center of attention.

Everything about her is different. Her hair is much longer and curlier, her outfits much more attractive and fit her body perfectly, a slimmer figure. Even though she wasn't fat, Nina was skinnier but now she's slim. A wide smile graces her face to cover the anxiety she feels.

She spots Jake walking down the hall with Will Belmont and the butterflies that she used to get in her stomach when she would see him are no longer there.

She just gives a simple smile as she walks past him and he stops to look at her but she's already scurrying off. She runs into the girls bathroom and grips the counter as she tries to relax and the door opens.

"Katherine?"Emma whispers softly with a look of worry.

"I just wanted to say that I had nothing to do with what Nina did. It was wrong and I made sure she didn't post the video. She deleted it in front of me"Emma says and Katherine turns her head to look at Emma.

"I was hoping when I got back that she would've changed so I wouldn't feel like I'm obligated to take her down. I don't get why you're friends with her. She's evil and you can sit here and say that deep down she's a good person or that she's kind to you but her overall personality is horrible. I didn't leave this town by choice. I left because she drove me to the point where I tried to kill myself"Katherine says shoving her scared wrist in Emma's face.

"I used to like you Emma, but you're no better than she is. None of you are. Do you want a high five for getting her to not post it, here"Kat says holding her hand up but Emma looks at her sympathetically.

"What you could've done was actually stopped her. You could've done something, sure you saved me from her wrath on several occasions but what about her other victims? When I tried to kill myself, my mom beat herself up thinking that it was her fault, that she did something to make me feel this way. And now I just sit in silence, not telling anyone about that night. I was so humiliated, and scared. I hope you all no what I felt that night"Katherine says pushing past Emma as she feels her blood begin to boil.

She thought she could do this but in reality, she wants to rip all of their heads off.

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