05; Jake vs. Kat

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"You have to want it more than you're afraid of it"

Katherine walks out of the locker room and into the gym. She tugs at her short black shorts as she notice hormonal teenage boys and some girls giving her 'the' look.

She finishes rolling up her knee highs as she joins the rest of the class who are enjoying their free time. "Strawbs!"Brooke says as she spots Katherine who ties her hair into a messy bun and waves.

"This class is disgusting but I'm sure we can find something to make time fly"Brooke whispers as they walk around the gym.

"Have you spoken to Nina?"Katherine questions. Nina had said she was going to upload the video yesterday but she never did and it just doesn't sit right with Kat. Nina doesn't back out of anything but if she had uploaded it then Kat would have been a goner by now.

"Nope and I don't really want to right now"Brooke shrugs and Kat just nods as she hears the scuffling of sneakers on the gym floor and several shouts. She whizzes her head to see Jake, Will and a few other boys playing basketball.

Several girls sit on the gym floor or something but they don't bother playing with the boys and it doesn't sit right with Katherine. She walks towards the group of guys who continue to play, unaware of her presence.

"Where are you going?"she hears Brooke but she continues walking. She walks in between Jake and Will as they do a little handshake. She looks up at Jake who looks down at her as he holds the ball in the other.

"Can I play?" she asks politely and he smirks.

"Well, you called me a dick not that long ago and seem to hate me. I know they say keep your friends close and your enemies closer but I think I'd rather not"he says and she shrugs. She goes to turn but quickly snatches the ball from Jake and begins to bounce it. Everyone else goes back to playing and Katherine passes the ball to Will who shoots into the hoop.

"Not bad, Addams"he says as he high fives her and she smiles. The ball is thrown to her and she begins to dribble while running with it, Jake hot on her tail. She shoots it straight into the hoop and cheers.

"Katherine shoots and she scores"Will rubs in Jake's face. Jake just laughs and catches the ball as runs up to the hoop and slam dunks it.

"But The Jake is better"he winks as someone tosses the ball to him and he scores.

As the games continues, the competitiveness amongst the two rises. Will holds the ball in his hand and this is all they need for their team to win. He runs up and makes the shot leaving their team to cheer in victory. Sure it's just P.E. but at George Washington High School, beating Jake Fitzgerald at anything is considered a life achievement.

Katherine goes to give Will a high five but trips over something and falls face first onto the ground.

"What the hell dude?!"she hears Jake's voice as she lifts her head up to feel blood dripping from her nose. Will helps her up and she watches as Jake pushes Matthew around. She hadn't even realized that Matthew was here, he disgusts her.

"Are you okay?"Brooke who has been cheering from the sidelines questions Kat who nods as she watches Matthew laugh while Jake yells in his face and slams him into the wall.

"What happened?".

"Matthew tripped you"Brooke replies as Jake walks away from Matthew and walks over to Katherine. He gently places his hands on her cheek to examine her nose. He bends down and lifts her up which takes her by surprise and she sqeals.

"What are you doing?"she questions as she she holds her nose and Jake rolls his eyes as he begins walking.

"Taking you to the clinic. Christian Alexander is in the next class and everyone knows how the kid passes out at the sight of blood plus I don't leave my friends hanging"he winks as the exit the gym. No one has ever carried her so it weird especially since it's in Jake's arms.

"Are you going to tell me what that was back there?"he asks and she cocks an eyebrow.

"What was what?".

"Well last time I checked, people usually don't trip people without a reason so what did you do to Matthew?"he asks and she laughs.

"Of course I have to be the one that did something! It's more like what did he do to me"she corrects as she hops out of his arms as they round the corner to the clinic.

"I think I can take it from here"she says giving him the cold shoulder as she bumps shoulders with him and he grabs her wrist. He slowly pulls her towards him and presses her up against the wall making her breathing hitch as he leans down to her height.

"What are you hiding Katherine? You just disappear and show up with a new look and Nina and Matthew seem to not like your reappearance. Brooke is treating you like her best friend, most likely because she feels guilty of something"he says as his minty fresh breath hits her lips and her eyes go from his eyes to his lips but she quickly refocuses.

"If you don't want to tell me your secrets then I'll find them out for myself"he whispers and pulls away. She rolls her eyes and enters the clinic. Why does it even matter to him? Why would he care about what happened to her? It's not like he even noticed her before. He just likes her for her new look and that's not how it should be.




A/N: Because ya'll wanted some Katherine x Jake stuff ;)

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