09; Alright

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"We hear what we want to hear, not what we need to hear" the strawberry blonde says as her nails tap against the table. Her other hand grabs her cup of tea and she begins to sip. The boy in front her laughs lightly and she purses her lips.

"Did you bring me here to seduce me or simply talk?"Jake questions and she smiles lightly as she rolls her eyes.

"You're the one who called me"she reminds him and he nods. Katherine's eyes wander around the cafe as Jake just watches her, admiring her.

"So why exactly did you want to meet here or meet up in general?"she questions as her eyes find Emma across the cafe, hard at work.

"You're so hot and cold"he says ignoring her question and her eyes meet his. And she shuffles, uncomfortable being placed under scrutiny.

"You're a lot like Brooke and -"

"Don't you dare say her name"Katherine says cutting him off as a hint of anger flashes in her eyes. Jake is oblivious to a lot of things Nina did to Katherine.

"See, that's what I don't get. You're perfectly fine but any mention of Nina and it's like you become a fire breathing dragon"he says and she scoffs.

"If you considered this a date, you shouldn't have called me a dragon"she says and he laughs.

"Who said this was a date?".

"I'm just saying and my drama with Nina is over. She's dead, let the bitch be. She's probably strutting through the gates of hell to declare her so rightfully deserved throne"Katherine says bitterly and Jake winces.

"Ouch Kat, have some respect for the dead"he says not truly meaning it.

"And you're the one who is hot and cold. One minute you're being all flirty with me and the next you act like you want to expose me. I don't have time for this, Jake. You can either be my friend or become my enemy. You were friends with Nina, maybe you plan to carry on her terror"she suggests and his face softens.

"Let's take a walk" he says getting out of his chair and she reluctantly follows. The exit the cafe and step outside into the breeze.

"I'm not trying to expose you Katherine. I just want to understand what happened because secrets are being kept, Nina was murdered and what if it's not over. I know she did something to you, there's been whispers and rumors. Several people think you killed Nina"he says as her heels clack against the pavement and her heart beat quickens.

"I didn't"she assures and he sighs.
"No offence but you've been pretty shady "he says and she stops to stare up at him.

"If you think I did it then why are you still talking to me? Things that happened between Nina and I are between Nina and I. She's dead now so leave it be! Gosh, have you never seen pretty little liars? Two can keep a secret if one of them is dead and she's dead"Kat says and walks away from him in annoyance.





"I mean it's cute but it'll clash with your shoes"Brooke says to Kat who is showing her and outfit she wants. Kat agrees as they lean against her locker. Brooke is a pretty nice friend and kind of Kats only friend.

Everyone keeps giving her scared and dirty looks because they think she killed Nina. She spots the new student Kieran Wilcox and looks to Brooke.

"I'll see you in Branson's" she says and Brooke nods as she eyes her friend run to the new boy and she smirks to herself.

"Kieran"she says as she catches up to him and she gives a friendly smile. He suspiciously eyes her and she smiles wider showing her dimples and he settles on the fact that she looks too cute to do any harm.

"Hi"he says as he continues walking and she follows him.

"I'm Katherine, but you can call me Kat. Either one works"she says and he nods not really caring.

"So, Kat. What do you want?"he asks as they approach his locker and she gives the most innocent look in the world.

"Well, rumors are going around that I killed Nina, the dead girl that was murdered but you see I didn't do it but it's a small down and word gets around fast. And with your dad being the Sheriff, I was just wondering if he may have mentioned me or if there's a case on me or anything"she says with a smile and he laughs and she frowns.

"I'm not allowed to share that information but I'm willing to give it to you but it'll cost you"he says and she sighs.

"Shoot"she says with an eye roll.

"I want to know about Emma"he says as he eyes Emma across the hall and Kat just nods. She's been gone for a while so she won't have much to give which means she'll have to interact with Emma to find out and things with Emma are so rocky.

"All I really know regarding the girls murder is that you're their number one suspect"he says and Kat gets a worried look in her eyes. She doesn't notice but Jake is standing next to Brooke observing her and Kieran.

"What does that mean for me?"she questions and he shrugs.

"They'll most likely have some following you, taking photos of you, spying on you in general and they'll probably interrogate everyone you know"he says and she runs a hand through her hair.

"How about this. You keep giving me updates and I may just get you a date with Emma"she says and he nods. She goes to walk away but her grabs her wrist and pulls her ridiculously close to him which causes several people to stop and stare.

His lips meet an inch away from her ear and he whispers.

"If someone drove me to try and kill myself, I'd kill them too".

Her entire body tenses as she pulls away and eyes him with shock. Her eyes start to water but she just nods at him and walks away, ignoring the confused stares. Jake Fitzgerald giving the most intense stare of them all.





A/N: HI BBY'S! Just wanted to say that this is based on episode three, I don't want to an episode a chapter. I want to drag it out a bit. And thank you for the support. Love ya's.

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