10;Thousand Eyes

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"Hey" Katherine says to Brooke as she takes the seat beside her and Brooke gives her a peculiar look.

"What was that with Kieran ?"she asks and Kat shrugs. "I was just asking for some homework help"Kat lies and Brooke nods as she watches Branson searching for a naughty photo of her that she hid. The bell rings and he slams his file drawer shut.

"See, Aristotle asked, 'why are we here'? 'What is the meaning of life in the face of death?'Mr.Branson questions as he lowkey starts looking through things on his desk and Kat thinks to herself about what he's saying.

"Bet Tyler's wondering the same thing right about now"Jake says and Kat rolls her eyes.

"Thank you Jake"Mr.B says as he looks through some papers and one of Jake's friends fist bumps him as he laughs and Riley rolls her eyes.

"Is it me or has his jokes gotten dry?"Kat questions out loud earning some laughs and a glare from Jake.

"See, Aristotle also understood that volatile relationships, well they can-" Mr.B starts but Kat cuts him off.

"Involve someone like Jake?"she questions earning some snickers and Jake winces as he holds a hand above his heart.

"You're hurting my heart, pulling those strings connected to yours"he says and she makes scissors with her hand and pretends to cut the invisible strings that attach their hearts and she smiles.

"Kat and Jake might just be a perfect demonstration"Branson jokes.

"But what I was going to say is that they can lead to tragedy"he says as he lifts some books on his shelf.

"Looking for something, Mr.B ?"Brooke questions with a seductive tone and Kat laughs to herself fully aware now that this charade is all thanks to Brooke's handy work.

"We're all looking for something, Brooke. See,desire, that's at the heart of drama. Desire for love"he says as he snoops through some books on his desk.

"Power, Money. I'm talking about Jason and Medea. Talking about Anthony and Cleopatra. I'm talking about Emma and Kieran"he says making Emma and Kieran sit up.

"Excuse me?"Emma questions with confusion.

"I'm splitting you all up into pairs"Branson says as he stares at something for a moment and pauses. "Uh, you and your partner will choose a dramatic scene to perform in class. Now let's not just limit ourselves. We can...choose something contemporary, like movies. Audrey and Will".

"If you suggest the pool scene from Wild Things, I will end you"Audrey says to Will who just nods with a light smile.

"Or if that's too much for your attention span, pick a favorite tv show. Riley and Noah"Branson smiles at the two.

"I'll even allow popular fiction, Jake and Kat" he says and Kat groans while Jake smiles.

"How about Fifty Shades of Grey?"he questions and Kat glares.

"I will beat you with my heel"she says and he flicks his tongue at her.

"All right everybody, lets get going to the library. I'm gonna pair the rest of you up there. Get going on these Selections. Let's go"Mr.B says as everyone gets their things.




"We've been here for seven minutes and you haven't said a word"Jake says as Kat stares at the wall with her arms crossed.

"You're being childish"he says folding his hands in amusement which causes her to scoff and face him.

"You're childish Jake. I'm so close to screaming the one thing I want to ask you"she says with frustration and he raises his brows.

"Do it"he says but she decides it's best not to make a fool of herself.

"Are you with or against me?"she questions with fire in her eyes. A fire that blazes so deep even he can feel the heat radiating from it. And he leans towards her, their faces an inch apart.

"See, that look in your eyes. It's desire but the question is, is it from need or want. I can read people, Jake. But you, you're unclear and when something is unclear, it's a risk and I don't like risk"she says which causes his breathing to heavy as his eyes follow every movement of her peach lip gloss covered lips.

"What are you doing to me"he says more to himself and her fragile hand gently grasps his right cheek. He flinches at the touch but she leans forward, placing her lips ever so softly on his, their assignment long forgotten. His lips move in sync with hers and it's as if it's just the two of them and just as it starts to deepen she pulls away.

"When you decide what you want, then get back to me" she says as the bell rings and she grabs her things.




The sound of boots crunching leaves is all that's heard through the woods as Kat carries a wooden box , a box filled with not only her secrets but everyone in this town. She walks with quick and confident strides towards the dock.

She reaches the end of the dock and holds the heavy box out above the water and drops it. She watches it sinks to the bottom of the lake and then pulls out her phone to call an unknown number. Heavy breathing from the other end is all that's heard.

"It's done".

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