08;Heavy Hand?

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dedicated to the Katherine Addams defense squad that I guess is a thing

Everything that happened at Brooke's get together that was actually a goodbye party to Nina was a blur. Katherine walks up to the school with a hangover that has lasted her around two days. She kind of took the bottle home but she's learned her lesson.

"Ow" she winces as her head throbs.

"Hangovers are a bitch"Audrey says as her and Noah approach Kat who looks like she's dying in leggings, a white tank and a PINK light blue sweater.

"I want to die"she whines and Noah shrugs.

"Careful Katherine, you're wish just might come true"he says and she rolls her eyes.

Audrey holds her camera up and directs it at Katherine.

"I think you've inspired me to make a documentary on the effects of underage drinking. I should title it, Whora and Booze"Audrey says and Katherine glares.

"Haha, very funny. I want to jump in front of a school b- WHAT THE MARK DELFIGALO IS THAT!?!?"Katherine screams as she sees the school fence covered with flowers, letters and all sorts of gifts mourning Nina.

"I think I'm going to be sick"she says as she covers her mouth. Noah and Audrey laugh at her reaction but Katherine just hates Nina. Her hatred for her has increased dramatically. Even Nina's death isn't enough.

"How about you guys stay with me after hours and when no one is watching. We light this mother up"Katherine says with a hopeful gleam in her eyes and Audrey sighs.

"As exciting as it sounds, I have plans"she says as the walk towards it and begin to look at everything. As Audrey and Noah walk around , Katherine grabs a card from a table beside it and writes 'Rest in peace bitch, maybe you'll rule hell. Just don't have too much fun without me'.

She goes to hang it up and Noah snatches it and reads it out loud.
"I think Nina would take this as a compliment. The last thing we need is her ego boosting in hell"he says and Katherine nods.

"I miss you Nina Bobina. Rest in Prada, love Miranda"Noah reads and Katherine laughs.

"Isn't that the girl Nina fat shamed into some questionable Guatemalan liposuction?"he asks as Audrey films.

"Sounds like our Nina".

"I want to feel bad that she's dead but then I think of how horrible she was. Most of these people probably have "Rest in Hell Bitch" written in invisible ink"Katherine says and Noah nods.

"That's actually genius"he says and Katherine nods. Noah has grown quite fond of her, they never really crossed paths back then but Noah Foster just might be falling in love. Katherine is like this intriguing mystery and she's so ethereal, like nothing he's ever scene before but then there's Riley. Katherine is that girl that is almost too good to be true. She may seem like she's perfect and has it all together but in reality, she's a ticking time bomb and pretty soon she's going to explode.

"You should come over to my house and we could binge watch horror films. I know they're your favorite"Noah says and she smiles.

"Actually, I have to mow the lawn and help my dad work on his Shelby and if all goes well, she's mine".

"She mows lawns and works on cars! Can she get any hotter?"he whispers to Audrey who shrugs.

"Hate to break it to you but I'm pretty sure she's property of Jake Fitzgerald. He'll kill you"she says and he frowns.

"How would you describe Nina's relationship with other students?"A woman with her phone recording asks a teacher.

"As you can see she was loved. Very popular"a teacher tells the woman and Katherine just relaxes but the smile on her face is so forced, she looks possessed.

"I'm setting this memorial on fire, see if I care"she says to Audrey and Noah who see to think that might not be such a bad idea.

"Hey guys, I'm Piper Shaw..."

Katherine tunes Piper out as her phone rings.


"Katherine! "her mom screeches and she pulls the phone a few inches from her ear.

"What's wrong?".

"Why didn't you tell me you have a boyfriend?! Oh my gosh, Imagine my surprise when he called"he mom says with such a chipper voice. Katherine just stands frozen with confusion.

"Honey? Jake said he was gonna give you a ride to school this morning but I told him you already got there so I suggested he bring you home"her mom says and Katherine groans.

"He's not my boyfriend! I can walk if that's the case".

"He said he's your boyfriend"her mom says innocently.

"Jake has a sick sense of humor. He's my friend and I've got to go"she says and hangs up quickly.

"SOMEONE'S ASS IS TOAST"she hears Jake yell and she looks up to see Noah and Audrey walking off.

"What happened?"Katherine asks as Jake walks up to them.

"Noah!"Jake says.

"What's up?".

"Was it you nerd? Was this payback for the lake?"Jake questions with anger. Katherine has never seen Jake upset, he's usually a flirtatious ball of sexual humor and cockiness.

"Was what payback?".

"My truck. It went viral!"Jake says holding up his phone and Kat swerves to see the pic on a social media timeline with a picture of Jake's truck and 'DOOSH' painted in red on it.

"Well I mean, you know".

"Can it, les-beast"Jake yells at Audrey and slams Noah up against a black metal pole in the courtyard as everyone gathers to watch.

"Jake!"Katherine yells as she tries to pull him off but it's like a bunny trying to move a lion, not gonna happen.

"Hey, hey, leave him alone"Audrey says as she films it.

"What the fug, Audrey"Kat says as she rolls her eyes at Audrey who shrugs.

"You know anything about this?"Jake asks.

"No, but you know, it is a sad statement of the decline of our public schools"Noah babbles and Jake pushes Noah harder as Noah trembles.

"That's the wrong answer"Jake says as his hand moves to Noah's neck.

"Whoa! I swear I didn't touch your truck"Noah says.

"If I find out you were lying, I swear to God you are dead"Jake says and smacks Noah's face as he walks off.

"I believe you"Noah sighs

Katherine rushes after Jake who walks heavily with anger.

"You were a bit harsh back there"she says.

"I'm pissed"he says and she nods with a smile.

"I'm hungover. What do you think we'll get if we mix the two together?"she tries to lighten the mood but it doesn't work and she sighs as she tries to figure out ways to cheer him up.

"Jake"she says.


"Can I follow you home after school?"she questions and he furrows his brows as he stops in his tracks and looks down at her.


"My parents always told me to chase my dreams"she shrugs and his lips curl into a smile.

"Are you flirting with me?".

"That depends, do you want me to flirt with you?"she questions and he shrugs as he starts walking again and she catches up. She grabs his hand and he looks down.

"Let me hold your hand, it looks heavy"she winks and he laughs.

"You're so corny, it's cute"he says and she nods.

"You should hear my condom slogans"she says and his face falls.

"Let's just stick to the corny flirting"he says as they hold hands to class.

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