06; Devil in Heels

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Nothing can possibly describe how Katherine feels as she sits in the office with the guidance counselor. She slouches in the chair with her legs crossed, still in her gym clothes with blood stains on her white gym shirt.

Her fingers tap against the wooden arm of the chair as the counselor stares at Katherine with her hands folded and a stoic expression written on her face. She licks her lips and coughs while Katherine stares at the clock.

"You don't seem upset over the fact that Nina's dead"Miranda speaks and Kat shrugs.

"Nina was a mean bitch who made everyone's lives hell. I want to say that I feel remorse for her but I don't. I'm a good person and I don't believe that people should have to die like this but Nina was practically asking for it"Kat says and instantly covers her mouth as Miranda rights stuff down in her notebook.

"That sounded worse than I meant. I just mean I'm not surprised she's dead. I'm only surprised that it took this long"Kat says and she huffs at how worse that sounds.

"So you're happy she's dead?".

"I can sleep easy knowing she won't be around to torture me"she replies as Miranda shuts her notebook and Kat stands up with a glum expression. Nina Patterson was announced dead earlier today while Kat was in the clinic. At first she laughed, thinking it was Nina's new attempt at humor but it was confirmed that Nina Patterson was murdered and her killer is still at large.

Kat looks down as she exits the office past several crying teens and she rolls her eyes. She wants to say something. They're crying over someone who was the devil in heels.

Nina never did any good for anyone and now she gets several teens crying over her death. All Kat got was her parents pleads for her to stay alive as she was wheeled into the hospital.

Kat walks into the waiting room area where several students are seated and talking.

"This wifi sucks. The cops aren't saying much. Her mom found her body. Victim of foul play. I need gory details"she hears the familiar voice of jake and turns to see him slouched on a bench beside Emma as he scrolls through his phone. Riley and Noah seated with them too .

"Your friend is dead and you care about wifi and gory details to her death. I'm starting to re think this so called friend ship you claim we have"Kat says as she sits in between Emma and Jake.

"And she's alive! I thought you died"he says and Kat pinches his arm.

"Nina may have been a bitch but I'm not in the mood to joke about her death or death in general"Kat says as she crosses her arms.

"Hey! Nina wasn't all that bad"Riley says and Kat's jaw drops. She wants to smack Riley but she just stays seated.

"Apparently they felt like I needed to be one of the first people to get help with my 'grief' over Nina's death"Kat says and Noah snorts.

"You guys are ridiculous"Riley says getting annoyed.

"Let's be honest. Nina ruined lives and if you think I'm going to sit here and shed some tears for the bitch then you're mistaken. Nina did a lot of things that you don't know about. That none of you know about. So you can see her for what you believed her to be but she will always be a cold hearted bitch in my eyes, dead or alive"Kat says as her blood begins to boil.

"Oohh. The claws are coming out. Don't be such a sour puss" Jake says and Kat rolls her eyes.

A woman with a clip board walks behind Noah and he tilts his head. "Um, hello? Miss? Why am I here?"He calls as she walks off.

"That's the "mandatory" part of grief counseling"Emma speaks up.

"No, but seriously, I feel shock, mild interest, but not grief"he says and Kat nods.

"Guys, Nina was murdered in cold blood. Do you not even care?"Riley questions. Kat and Noah opens their mouths to say some smart remark but Emma speaks.

"It just doesn't seem real"Emma shrugs. Kat finds it interesting how Riley and Emma aren't crying over Nina. They clearly weren't as close as they claim.

"Here we go. One of Nina's neighbors tweeted that her throat was sliced ear to ear. The press is all over this. They're playing the whole "Maybe Brandon James is back" angle"Jake says with what seems to be excitement.

"Brandon James is dead"Emma says seeming bothered by the mention of him. Pretty much everyone knows what happened with him. Katherine was told the story when she was six by a boy who sold rolly pollies at the playground.

Katherine's little six year old mind couldn't handle it and she passed out on the playground. Brandon James was like the boogey man to her. Emma gets up and walks off

"Who's Brandon James?"Kieran questions.

"Whoa! Have you been there the whole time?"Kat questions and he nods with a laugh.

"Well I should probably go check on Emma, have fun explaining"Kat says as she walks away and jogs after Emma.

"Hi"Kat says as Emma gives her a not interested look.

"What are you doing? And why is there blood on your shirt?"Emma questions as she eyes Katherine's shirt suspiciously.

"I didn't kill Nina if that's what you're thinking. Just a bloody nose mishap and I'm here because you look upset and an upset Emma on the loose is the worst!".

"Where were you, the other night. The night Nina was killed?"Emma questions as she squints her eyes and Kat raises her brow.

"Are you seriously accusing me of murdering Nina?".

" Who else would have the motive to kill her. You hated her the most and you just so happen to show and she dies. And the other day in the courtyard. Everyone heard you swear that you were going to kill her. You can sit here and mingle with my friends, act like everything's normal but everyone is suspicious of you. Something happened between you and Nina. I don't know what it is but I bet it was enough to want her dead"Emma says with anger in her voice and Kat just looks stunned by such nasty accusations.

" I was trying to be nice to you"Katherine says as she gives a sad smile and walks away.

Her dad waits in his truck in the school parking lot. She gets in the truck and buckles up. He begins to drive as she rests her head against the window.

"What's wrong?"he questions and she shrugs.

"Everything. I thought I could do this but maybe coming back was a huge mistake. Nina Patterson is dead and people still hate me"she sighs and he shrugs.

"Do you remember when you were eight and we took you to the community pool?".

"No"she says with a weird face.

"Well you had no clue how to swim. We had been trying to teach you but for some reason you were so afraid of the water. But there was a little girl drowning and nobody noticed but you did and you jumped into that pool to save her. You nearly drowned in the process but the point of the story is that's the Katherine we all know and love.

The Katherine that is selfless and caring. The sweet Katherine who doesn't let anything get in her way. You shouldn't let these people affect how you see yourself, don't lose yourself in all of this because you might not be able to find it again".



A/N: I'm really sorry for half-assing everything lately but my head is killing me and I have so much homework! The chapters will be longer and probably half an ep per chapter but I keep getting requests to update and I hate keeping ya'll waiting.

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