03; Exposed

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Today has been low key. Katherine waves and smiles to the people who actually noticed and cared about her disappearance. She hides from the ones who whisper nasty rumors and the ones who made her life the hell that it was.

The official rumor is that she slept around and got pregnant so she left until the baby was born. She laughed slightly, pretty sure that it's Nina's handy work. Her cover story is she went to New York to take care of her sick grandmother.

As lunch rolls around, she avoids the cafeteria and walks out through the double doors and into the courtyard. She walks quickly, past everyone and to her old hiding spot. In the woods by the school, there's an old flower garden with a white fenced arch and beautiful ocean blue orchids growing on it with a bench below it.

She begins to walk to the spot, as she approaches she expects it to be the same as she left it but it's gone. Al of it is gone and she feels her heart stop. This was her happy place, the only place where she would catch a break from Nina within school hours. The only place she felt at peace besides home.

She hears the snapping of twigs and turns as her strawberry blonde curls slap her gently in the face and she pushes them out of the way and places her hands on her hips as she waits for the culprit to appear.

"Come out. You don't have to spy"she says as she raises her brows.

"I wasn't spying"she hears the voice of Brooke Maddox and she can't help but laugh. Brooke wasn't as bad as Nina but she was still a bitch. She had a heart but the more time she spent with Nina, the more it began to freeze.

"I don't see why you would be out here. Think of all the horrible things that could happen, you could break a nail, a heel or possibly get some dirt in that blonde hair!"Katherine says with an exaggerated tone and Brooke rolls her eyes.

"Don't try to be the new resident bitch, trust me. You weren't bullied because you were a freak, you were bullied because you were a threat. You were something of potential and Nina hated it so she planned to get rid of you. I tried to tell her she was being ridiculous but she lives in her own little world where she has to be number one. But look at you now, you grew into exactly what she was trying to prevent. Be careful, Kat. Nina has plans for you already in motion"Brooke says as she begins to walk off and Kat runs after her.

"Why are you telling me this?"she questions making Brooke stop.

"You think that I liked what she did to you? I felt horrible about it all. When I heard about your suicide attempt , I felt like a monster. You're strong Katherine but I don't think coming back here was smart, high school isn't just high school".

"How do you know about what happened?".

"The mayor is my dad, I know everything" Brooke nods and gives a sympathetic smile.

"What happened that day? Nina wouldn't tell us what happened, all she said was you were no longer going to be a problem"Brooke says softly and Katherine shrugs.

"Just stupid stuff".

"It clearly wasn't stupid if it drove you to attempt suicide"Brooke says louder.

"I don't want anyone to know. It's humiliating and if Nina were to find out then it's enough for her to make my world come tumbling down all over again. My family hasn't been the same since and they don't know everything that went down. I'd prefer to keep it that way"Katherine shrugs putting on a brave smile but Brooke has done it so many times herself to see right through it.

"Something like that shouldn't be kept a secret for so long. It doesn't just ruin you socially, it ruins you emotionally. Nina has done some horrible things, we all have but it doesn't make it an excuse. I remember when you used to walk into school in your cute little dresses with a smile. Even when she put you through hell, you still smiled. I remember how you used to give Jake the googly eyes for what seemed like hours"Brooke smiles and Katherine blushes.

"Well for one I don't want to be seen as a victim anymore. I want to start over and I don't like Jake anymore. That ship has sailed"she says and Brooke frowns.

"Jake isn't the sharpest crayon in the box but deep down he's a sweet guy and I mean deep, deep, deep down. He really could use someone like you but I'm not playing match maker anymore so you're on your own"Brooke says and Katherine laughs as they begin to walk back.

"You're not so bad. I expected you to act like some fire breathing bitch"Kat says and Brooke laughs.

"And I expected you to be some Demonic Barbie hell bent on killing Nina but I guess we were both wrong, I'll see you around"Brooke says and Kat smiles before someone slams into her making her fall back a bit but she catches balance before almost hitting the ground.

"I've been looking for you"Nina says and everyone in the courtyard goes silent as they look at the two, waiting for a cat fight.

"Why is that?" Kat questions as Nina holds her phone up and plays a video on it. Kat watches as she's running out of the gym with tears in her eyes in the video.

"I gave you a chance but tonight everyone is going to be getting a special surprise"Nina says and she begins to turn away and out of rage. Katherine grabs Nina's ponytail and yanks her back. Nina screams as the crowd gasps and Kat has wide eyes from shock.

"Bitch!"Nina says and pushes Katherine back.

Kat smacks the phone from Nina's hand and both look at it on unlocked and on the ground with the video still playing. Both dive for the phone .

Nina kicks Kat in the leg and crawls for it but Kat smacks her and goes farther. Her hands reaches the phone but Nina gets it and hops up as she fixes her hair and steps on Kat's hand.

"I win"she smirks.

"I swear to God, Nina. I will kill you".

"How was school?"Dad questions as Kat passes the mashed potatoes and she shrugs. Nothing really happened at least not anything worth mentioning. She smiles at her dad and he smiles back.

The two are just as close. She'd do anything for her dad and he spoils her like no tomorrow. They look nothing alike except she has his eyes and a mixture tone of his and her mothers hair plus he has killer brown curls.

"Did you see any old friends, did anyone wonder where you went? "Mom questions as she eats her green beans and Kat shrugs.

"I never really had friends and rumor has it I was pregnant and left town to give birth but it doesn't bother me"she says as she sips her water but the uncomfortable silence says something else. Her parents look at each other with solemn expressions. Kat's mother takes a deep breath as she holds her head in her hands and tries to not cry.

"Alice"her dad says worried as her mother begins to cry.

"How can you just sit here like it's okay? That's the exact reason why you left and now it's all starting over again and I don't want to lose you"her mother begins to sob and Kat feels guilty for even mentioning it, she should have just lied.

Her mom was so traumatized from what happened and this is just going to make it worse. Kat thinks back to Nina. If she really posts the video then she's screwed. Her family will be humiliated and she'll have no one.

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