It's all your fault!

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Hiccup POV

I hear a chorus of 'boo's as I walk down the steps and back to my table. To be honest, I have no idea whether they're directed at me, Jack, Merida, Blondie or Mr.Mallow though I'm sure it's a mixture of all.

I grab my coat and bag and make my way, hurriedly, behind the others and out of the door. Once me, the boys and all of the girls are outside, the shouting begins.

"What the hell was that?" Nod yells at Jack giving him a strong shove on the shoulder.

"It's called 'being competitive'!" Jack yells back making quotation marks with his fingers. "Anyway, it's her fault!" he directs everyone's attention to Merida.

"My fault?" Merida asks, pointing at herself in mock shock "You're the one who shoved me in the shoulder!"

"After you poked me in the chest!" Jack retorts.

I move my head from person to person like a spectator watching the tennis ball in a tennis match; watching the comebacks bouncing between them.

"Well you're the one who slapped me in the face!" Merida points out.

"Says the one who stepped on my foot!" Jack yells, his face turning red with rage.

"It's not my fault you decided to challenge us! I was just showing good... no... great competitive attitude!"

Jack stays quiet but his face holds a thousand words; mostly curses, possible comebacks and things I dare not even write. His cheeks redden in fury, his veins become visible on his forehead, his eyes turn cold and icy.

I place my hand cautiously on his shoulder, only to get dusted off like a piece of... well... dust.

"Calm down man!" Johnny says in his 'drunk sounding' voice.

"Shut up Johnny!" Jack snaps, not breaking his glaring contest with Merida. I give Nod and Johnny a quick glance and nod of the head. We lunge forwards and lift Jack up by his limbs. "Hey! Get off me!"

Merida chortles at the sight of Jack struggling against us. "Looks like old Frostbite here's been a naughty boy!" Blondie, Goth and Ponytail nod at each other with small smirks spreading on their lips. Blondie grabs her right arm, Goth the left and Ponytail her legs. "Hey!" Merida yells when they lift her off the ground, "Rapunzel Margaret Corona, Mavis Harmony Dracula and Mary-Katherine Erin Bomba! Let go of me!"

Ok well I will know their names but which one's which.

"Congratulations Mer! You know our full names!" Blondie playfully mocks.

"Not funny Rapunzel!" Merida hisses.

"You can twist and turn all you want but we're not letting go." Goth says.

"Oh really, Mavis, is that so?" Mer says with a small smirk forming on her face.

"Oh dear," Ponytail says, worriedly, "This can't be good."

"Brace yourself MK!" Blondie, (I'm guessing who's name is Rapunzel) Goth (I think they said her name was Mavis) and Merida chorus. The so called MK tenses up.

All of a sudden, Merida lashes out, one of her legs get free and trip MK up, sending her sprawling on her back, right by Nod's feet. A small smirk by Nod and blush by MK don't go unnoticed by me. I tighten my grip on Jack as he still struggles with no success and divert my eyes back to Merida.

She twists her arms in a skilful ways causing Mavis to flip over her ad land on her rear end, ironically, right under Johnny's feet. Yet again, a smirk and blush don't go unnoticed.

"Well, well, well," I hear Merida say behind me in a game show host voice, "looks like our dear friend Rapunzel has made it to the last round!" All the girls, apart from MK and Mavis, cheer for her. She performs a small bow whilst still gripping Merida's arm.

"Thank you. Thank you all."

"As a reward, you get to drag me back home!"

Rapunzel's face immediately falls. "I think I'll pass."

"Very well," Merida says "let go."

Her arm is released. "Looks like Merida's been a naughty girl." I mock in a playful manner.

She sticks her tongue out a me. "Shut it Hic," she chuckles and turns to leave.

"See ya Mer!"

"Bye Hic!"

I turn to the boys only to meet confused faces topped with the occasional smirk. "What?"

"You know her?" Jack asks raising his eyebrow quizzically.

"Er... yeah," I stutter.

"Do you, like her?" Nods asks. He les go of Jack's arm and circles me like a vulture.

"A-as a friend," I manage through stutters "lets go back!"

"Alright," Jack gives in as Johnny and I release him from our grip, "its getting late and we'll get it in the neck if we're not back soon. I nod in agreement and head in the direction of our institution.

When we arrive we get changed into our pyjamas and get some shut-eye.

A/n I'm back! Did ya miss me? Anyway I didn't write as much as I wanted during my holiday as I only wrote this chapter and about a paragraph of the next one.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter and see you all soon.

Cmstevens13 xx

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