Hello again

255 16 3

Hiccup POV

"Here we are!" Co trainer Bunnymund announces.

The sliding mini bus doors burst open, releasing the 10 boys inside. "Freedom!" Jack screams, charging off the bus and running laps around the car park.

"Frost!" Co trainer Bunnymund scolds. "Get back here right this instant or say goodbye to your AIB position!"

He reluctantly gives in and trudges to where the rest of us stand in a group.

"Now go into the main office and join the boys' queue. You will receive your uniform, dorm key and number, locker key and number, a school guide and a map. So long!" he waves us a brief goodbye before shutting the door of the bus and speeding off.

"Well that's just great!" I sigh as I watch him drive round the corner and out of sight.

"Yeah!" Jack agrees "we have to wear uniform!"

"That's the least of our worries. Come one. Let's go sign in."


After 20 minutes of queuing and arguing, we finally manage to register. However, another 10 minutes pass before I find my dorm.

I'm sharing a dorm with Jack, Nod, Johnny, Kristoff and Eugene. Thank Odin I'm not with Ian, Eret or Hans though I feel sorry for whoever is.

"Ugh!" Jack yells in annoyance, flopping lazily onto his bed in the corner of the room. "Can't we go somewhere other than this place? I'm boring myself half to death!" I peer over the top of my book and mark my page with a book mark, placing it gently on the duvet beside me.

"What do you suggest?" I query.

"Well... anything's better than this but I suggest we find the field. I'd like to play a game of football or run around a bit. Get out of the realms of the school's insides."

I chuckle lightly "if you say so. Let's go to the field! Anyone in?"

"Yup!" Says Johnny.

"Sure thing! I feel your pain Frost!" Nod exaggerates dramatically.

"Eugene? Kristoff?" I ask, turning to the two.

"Nah! Thanks though! Me and Kris are going to explore the school grounds." Eugene explains.

"Ok. Let's go!" I announce. We exit the dorm and make our way through the corridors, following the orders from Jack's school map.

"The field should be just-" He mutters to himself, squinting at the map "there!" He dashes to a door, swinging it open and revealing a wide open field of lush, green grass. He dances around, arms waving above his head as he let's the outside overwhelm him.

"You done yet?" Nod asks impatiently as he notices Jack sniffing the air around him.

"Yup!" He says, returning to sanity.

"Good! Now let's go find a ball!" Nod says, relieved.

We wander round the outskirts of the field in search of a ball or some form of fun. Instead, we find a group of 5 familiar girls gathered at the base of a large oak tree. One of the girls, with an unmissable mop of red curls, dangled from a branch of the tree by her knees.

"Hey Punz!" Jack yells toward the group. Rapunzel turned around, her long blond hair swishing behind her. Her face breaks into a grin as she notices Jack.

"Hey Jack!" she waves back "come join us!"

I see Merida swinging down from her spot on the tree branch and glaring at Jack; a glare he returns without hesitation. Her face softens as she turns to me. I take a seat next to her. I notice Nod seating himself next to MK, Johnny sitting by Mavis and Jack next to Rapunzel. All 3 of the girls are blushing, Punzie much less than the other two.

I lean into Merida's ear and whisper "I totally ship them." She looks at the 3 pairs and stifles a giggle, earning the attention of the rest if the group.

"What's so funny Mer?" Punzie asks.

"What? Oh... um... Hic just told a joke." Mer stutters.

"I totally ship it!" Anna squeals excitably. Rapunzel's eyes light up next to her.

"Er... ship what exactly?" I question.

"Mericcup!" Anna and Rapunzel yell like we should've known. I look around to see the rest if the gang nodding in agreement.

"Woah, woah, woah!" Mer halts their thoughts "we're best friends, not a... thing." She stutters awkwardly, her cheeks flushing an almost unnoticeable pink.

I scratch the back of my neck feeling the heat rising there. "Y-yeah." I stutter.

Everyone bursts into fits of laughter.

Mer checks her watch casually. "Oh gosh!" she exclaims. "we are going to be very late!"

The rest if the girls check the time on either their watches or phones, each gasping.

"We gotta go!" MK announces, quickly standing from her seat on the grass. Nod stands up next to her, wiping his sweaty palms on his trousers.

"Um... MK?" he stutters.

"Yeah Nod?"

"Well... um..." he walks towards her. Before either of them know it he's cupping her face with his hands and pressing his lips gently against hers. Both of their faces turn bright red until they register what's going on and pull away. "Sorry... er... I shouldn't have." Nod quickly turns back to us, embarrassed.

He's turned back immediately by her hand in his. "Don't be sorry." MK whispers. She leans close to him and presses a kiss onto his hot, red cheek. Nod's embarrassed look turns to a goofy grin.

A cough interrupts the moment "Come on lovebirds!" Mer says impatiently "MK! We need to go!"And with that the girls dash across the field and out of sight.

"Congratulations man!" Jack announces as Nod sits back down.

"Yeah, thanks!" he smiles, his face still flushed with a blush.

"We'd better be off too!" I announce "I'd like to visit the library before the day is over."

Jack huffs in frustration as he pulls his map out.

Here we go again!

A/n Yay! MKxNod! Can someone comment a cute ship name for them?

Hope you enjoyed the chapter.


This is a, kind of not, important announcement but here we go.

I made a book (ages ago) called 'Untitled randomness' it used to have no point to it but to share short and random stories that hardly anyone was interested in. However, now it has a purpose. It's purpose is to update the readers on what I'm up to and stuffy It will include sneak peak chapters for new books and already made books, random stories and my views on things. It's basically the book you can really get involved in and comment your thoughts and suggestions. I would love it if you read it.

That's it for now

Goodbyeeeeeee 👋

Cmstevens13 xx

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