Apologies and Goodbyes

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The girls and the boys had kept their distance from one another since the previous turn of events. Both were overly guilty of trying to capture and kill the other and, after a month of avoiding each other, decided to apologise.

Merida runs through the halls of the school and crashes into a startled Hiccup, wrapping her arms around him. She breaks into a fit of sobs. "I'm so sorry Hic!" she mutters over and over again, sobbing into his shirt. He'd never seen her so upset in all his life.

"I-it's ok Mer," he whispers. He rests his china on the too of her head and strokes we mane of red curls. "I should be apologising for trying to kidnap you. Why did I listen to that stupid agency?"

"You didn't know," she pulls away from him with a small smile, her hands in his.

"Neither did you," he kisses her forehead and walks with her to their next lesson.

All was well...

...Then that all changed.

The two groups had finally made up and were now enjoying a catch up at Merida's house. They'd ordered a mountain of pizzas and multiple bottles of fizzy drinks. They were having the time if their lives until a familiar someone barges into the room, a smirk planted on her lips.


"Pack your bags, all of you, you're not seeing each other again." she says plainly.

"Elsa what are you going on a about?" Merida questions.

"The CIG found out about how you refused to complete you assignment. They've chosen to move you guys as far from these boys as possible. So there are no distractions." she says evilly.

"You can't do that!" Hiccup yelled.

"Oh, I can," she smirks "the AIB made an agreement with the CIG to keep you guys separated. Your rides are outside." She leaves with an evil smirk and slams the door shut.

A single tear slides down Merida's cheek. She wipes it away stubbornly.
The teenagers wear looks of horror and sadness as try ready themselves for their final goodbyes.

Once bags were packed they made their way reluctantly outside, shuffling their feet as they held back the waterfalls welling in their eyes. Sure enough there were two black limousines.

The couples wasted no time in saying their goodbyes to one another; Anna bidding farewell to her good friend Kristoff.

Hiccup and Merida turn to face each other. Only a few days ago they'd managed to apologise and regain their friendship, just to be separated like this, never to see each other again. It broke their hearts.

"I guess this is goodbye?" Hiccup croaks with tears flowing freely down his face.

"Y-yeah." she whispers back.

A silence hung in the air around them as they turned their eyes downcast avoiding each other's gaze. Hiccup was the first to look up, closely followed by Merida's blue orbs she called eyes. Forest met ocean as their eyes locked. Slowly, slowly, they leant forward. Their eyes closing, their minds racing...

Their lips brushed together in a hesitantly soft kiss.

Merida's arms snake their way around Hiccup's neck as his trap her waist, pulling the other closer. They were so close they could feel their hearts beating, hands shaking. Their tears blended together in a haze of passion and emotion.

At long last, the two broke away breathing heavily. "I'll miss you!" Merida sobbed, her arms flinging around his neck in an embrace. He buried his head in her shoulder.

"I'll miss you too."

"Time to go!" Elsa shouted bluntly at the couples as she prised the girls away, almost shoving them into the back of the limo. She pulled Rapunzel, then Merida, leaving the boys standing helplessly by the side of the road. The two girls looked back at the two boys sorrowfully as they stood beside the car. They nodded a silent farewell before the two sides slid into the seats of their rides.

Rapunzel and Merida take the back seat taking a last look at the boys as they were driven away.

"Now Elsa!" the driver hisses to Elsa who'd taken the front seat.

"With pleasure!" she smirks, pulling a remote from her pocket. "Say goodbye to your baby boys!" she said teasingly.

She pushed the button.

A ground shattering explosion erupts from behind.



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