Let the hacking commence!

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I sit slumped on my bed reading my all time favourite book 'Northern Lights'. I've read the entire trilogy 5 times already. This'll be the 6th.

The door bursts open revealing a flustered yet ecstatic Rapunzel. She slams the door and leans back on it, slowly sliding down its structure, a dreamy, giddy look plastered across her face.

"What's gotten into you?" Merida chuckles.

"Love." Punz sighs as she finally slides to a sitting position on the carpet.

"Call the ambulance!" Mavis announces dramatically, jumping up on her bed, "she's got the love bug!"

"Says you Ms I-Love-Johnny!" I tease.

"You're one to talk Ms Nod-Is-So-Dreamy!" she retorts playfully.

I chuckle to myself. "Who's the lucky guy Punz?" I ask curiously.

"Jack." she says without hesitation, her eyes wandering off into space.

"And what made you realise 'oh my. Jack is who I want to be with'" Merida mimics in a high pitched voice.

"When he... kissed me." she giggles uncontrollably, much like a five year old being tickled.

"Wow. She's got it bad." Mavis says, giving a look of concern toward her friend.

"Yeah." Merida says slowly. Her phone beeps suddenly. She takes it out of her pocket and reads the text sent. "Looks like we're needed at HQ. Something to do with the hacking." She rises from her bed, the rest of us following suit and filing out the door to collect Anna and Elsa.

Hiccup POV

"Why do I have to do it?" I complain, folding my arms across my chest arrogantly.

"Because you're the only one with hacking experience." Jack replies impatiently "just do it." He pulls a seat and pushes me into a sitting position on top of it. A laptop is placed in front of me. Here we go.

"Time to find out who these 6 agents are."

Merida POV

MK seats herself at a desk with a laptop on its top and logs on as fast as lightning. "So what did I need to hack into again?" She queries, her eyes never leaving the screen.

"We need you to hack into the AIB system, find out who the teen squad members are so we can complete our... assignment." I pause, remembering what our assignment actually is. Kill the teen squad? I'm not a murderer. We're not murderers... but we have to do what we have to do.

MK snaps me from my thoughts "sure thing Cheif!" she salutes and sets to work, successfully hacking into the system. Here we go.

Hiccup POV

"Looks like the teen squad members are Agent M, Agent R, Agent A, Agent V, Agent K and Agent E." I announce to the rest.

"Good going Hic!" Jack congratulates, slapping me hard on the back.

"It was nothing," I grunt in pain.

"Lets find ourselves some agents!" Jack yells determinedly earning a small cheer from the others.

To CIG headquarters.

Merida POV

"Ok!" MK begins as she scrolls through the list of agents. "Our teen squad agents are... Agent H, Agent J, Agent N, Agent Y, Agent E and Agent K."

"We've found our target now, I guess we should... complete the assignment?" I stutter earning small nods from the rest.

"I don't know what you guys are so reluctant about!" Elsa announces out of the blue. "We're killing our arch nemesis! We should be happy!" and with that she strides away, presumably to the weapons depot.

To the weapons depot...

And to AIB headquarters.

A/n Hey guys! Hope you liked it! Sorry about the constant changing of the POV but if I didn't do that there would be loads more chapters left to go. I'm writing this while I'm on holiday and I'm quite busy so sorry for anything that doesn't make sense, I'm really tired.

Did you know which agent was which? Comment who you think was which agent below.


Agent M

Agent R

Agent V

Agent K

Agent A

Agent E


Agent H

Agent J

Agent N

Agent Y

Agent E

Agent K

Until the next chapie

See ya!


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