Demon's Dungeon

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Merida POV

"Hello again Freddy!" Anna greets excitedly.

"Hi Anna!" he waves "ready for the grand opening of Demon's Dungeon?" He announces.

"You bet! How can we help?"

He bursts into action, bouncing orders "MK, you're on lighting again; Mavis, you're on food; Rapunzel on decorations and Merida, have you got the playlists?"

"Yep!" I declare, patting my satchel.

"Ok then! Anna, I want you to try and spread the word more! We're starting in an hours time. At 6."

We disperse and get going on our assigned jobs.

Half an hour later, the boys arrive and join us on their assigned jobs; Nod helping MK, Johnny helping Mavis, Jack helping Punz and Hiccup helping me.

"Hey Hic? Can you check this playlist? I'm not sure if there's a nights worth of tracks on there." I toss a CD to him.

"Sure thing cap'n!" He salutes and gets onto the job.

"Attention everyone!" Freddie's voice echoes through the club, "the opening is starting in 5 minutes so get the place ready now!" his voice is laced with dread and nerves as he gives orders.

Only 5 minutes?

We scroll through the playlists in search if the one we made for the opening night. All the best artists are on there ranging from Simple Plan and Maroon 5 to Taylor swift and Shawn Mendes.

4 minutes.

"Found it!" Hiccup celebrates, pointing to a playlist labelled 'Playlist {opening}'.

"Well done Haddock. Get it to the DJ's box.

3 minutes

"Guys! There are about 100 people out there!" Anna announces "hurry your butts up!"

I rush to the DJ's box and sit next to Hiccup who's fumbling with the disc.

2 minutes

Hurry up Hic!

1 minute

I snatch the disc off him and slide it, with ease, into the laptop and hit play.

Jessie J blasts through the speakers as a swarm of people enters the new and improved 'Demon's Dungeon'.

"Well done Mer." Hic says nervously, his hands still shaking.

"Thanks Hic. Anytime." I smirk and enjoy the rest of the night.

A/n Sorry this was so short. I just had to add another chapter and I had to include 'Demon's Dungeon's opening. I couldn't have written any more on this chapter without it going off course.

What did ya think?

See ya in the next chapter.


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