Chapter 29 - Dark Dreams

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Chapter Twenty Nine - Dark Dreams

"We need to get our hair done." Leila announced on a rainy Wednesday morning.

Sabrina, immune to Leila's sudden beauty demands, looked over at her slowly and yawned. She was tired, and had been for the last week. She didn't want to look into the reason but she was sure it had blue eyes and annoyingly gorgeous hair and an even more annoyingly gorgeous face. She scowled at thinking this, which made Leila blink.

"Okay, okay." Leila huffed. "You don't have to murder me."

Sabrina blinked, wiping the disgust off her face and replacing it with a neutral expression.

"I'm sorry." She apologized. "Fine. Yeah. Let's get our hair done."

"Good!" Leila chirped, and linked her arm with Sabrina's. "It'll be a great way to get your mind off things."

Sabrina couldn't help but notice that by things, Leila meant a certain boy with blue eyes with a annoyingly gorgeous face. Who, now that she thought about it, she hadn't seen since she'd last spoken to him. Khalid had been conveniently absent and she wasn't sure if she should just move on or not. She wasn't sure if she could.

After their last class, the two girls met up at Sabrina's locker. Sabrina nodded through a story that Leila was dramatically describing to her, waving her hands and flailing her arms which made Sabrina laugh. They stopped for a moment to text Emaan but she was busy re-writing an exam so they decided to head to the salon.

* * *

A great thing about the particular salon that they usually went to was that they had a back room where ladies who covered their hair could get their hair done. Sabrina was especially impressed by this thought that allowed devout hijabis to get the same treatment as a non-hijabi could. As they arrived and walked to the back, chatting about how they could spend the weekend, Leila suddenly stopped abruptly causing Sabrina to almost run into her.

"Hey, what..." She began but trailed off when she caught sight of what had made Leila halt.


"Oh, hi!" Leena greeted them, her eyes widening. 

With a quick glance Sabrina confirmed her suspicion: Leena was their hairdresser, judging by her uniform: a navy tunic. She stepped past Leila, thinking about requesting another hairstylist. But she suddenly changed her mind.

"Hey, Leena." She tried for a smile. 

"Well!" Leena laughed, not cruelly. "Sit down. It's been a while, huh?"

The two girls glanced at each other and turned back to the Arab girl before them. Leena smiled warmly. 

The last encounter Sabrina had of Leena was comforting her in a bathroom after accidentally eavesdropping on an argument between the Arab girl and Khalid. She remembered being shocked that day when Leena, dripping in tears had admitted that Sabrina wasn't as bad as she had once thought. Sabrina had wondered if perhaps the blue-eyed girl was high. After that, she'd sort of disappeared, unable to attend graduation and rumours suggested she was upgrading to become a beautician. 

What Sabrina couldn't understand was why she was being so damn nice.

She went over a list of possible explanations while Leena ran her fingers through her hair, complimenting its texture. 

1. She was faking it for the sake of her job.

2. She'd developed an extreme case of amnesia that specifically wiped out her memory from junior high to high school. Side note: does this mean she does of does not still have a thing for Khalid?

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