Chapter 8 - The Right Choice

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Chapter Eight - The Right Choice

"Y-Yes?" Khalid asked, in surprise. His heart had decided that its new home was his throat.

Sabrina smiled and nodded.

"I don't wanna sound like I don't want this...but are you just saying that because you pity me or something?" Khalid asked.

Sabrina was silent for a moment, observing him thoughtfully.

"A little." She admitted. "But only because I feel like you deeply regret Zayn's death and I think you wish you could have been more like him..but you just don't know how anymore because he's gone."

Khalid stared at her, wondering if maybe she could read his mind or something. But she doesn't know everything about you, his mind whispered. He shook that thought away, too happy to let the voices in his head drag him down. He beamed.

"So, uh, its a definite yes, then?" He asked again. He had to make sure and even wondered if maybe he was dreaming. Maybe I should pinch myself, he thought, absurdly.

"Yes, Khalid." Sabrina confirmed, rolling her eyes. She paused, her face falling a little. Khalid raised an eyebrow.

"Having doubts?" He asked, keeping his voice neutral.

NO. NO. NO NO NO. He screamed in his head. Please don't change your mind now!

"No." Sabrina said, shaking her head and looking up at his with a sincere look. "Its just was never you who was making me hesitant. It"

"What?" Khalid asked, puzzled.

"Its just that...I don't know if I can help you." Sabrina answered, her eyes growing wide when she realized what she just said. "No! I don't mean - not that your beyond help or anything! Just...I've never done this sort of thing before. I mean, what if...I fail you?"

"Sabrina." Khalid sighed. "If any person in the world had the power to help me find the right path, it would be you."

Sabrina glanced up at him and gave him a tiny smile.

* * *

Khalid was on a high all day. Not high on drugs because those highs don't last. High on life. High on Sabrina's yes. High on the promise that everything would turn out alright. He rushed home after school, bursting through the door and spilling out his news to his mother who stared at him.

"What?" He asked. "Didn't you hear me? She said yes!'s not that hard to believe, is it?"

"Ya Khalid!" His mother laughed, swatting him playfully. "Its just that, I've never seen you so happy."

He looked up at her and was about to make a goofy remark, when he noticed that she had tears standing in her eyes. He took a breath and engulfed her in a hug and she gratefully rested her head on his chest. Her hair tickled his chin and he realized with a start that he hadn't hugged his mother for a very long time.

They broke apart and smiled, she handing him a washcloth. "Now go wash the dishes."

Khalid laughed and obliged because from now on he was never going to say no to his mother ever again. He'd lost Zayn and had almost lost her and this time, this time he would cherish everything he took for granted.

 * * *

The next few days went by in a blur. Khalid's family had set up a date with Sabrina's family at a fancy restaurant and Khalid itched for the day to finally arrive. Khalid's father still chuckled cruelly whenever Sabrina was mentioned, clearly trying to spite Khalid but he was too much in a good mood to let the comments affect him.

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