Chapter 33 - The Agreement

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Chapter Thirty Three - The Agreement

Sabrina was sure she was going to explode. She rested her cheek against her textbook, sighed and squeezed her eyes shut but she could still see the numbers and letters imprinted in her mind. To say that Physics was killing her was an understatement. It was brutally stabbing her to death. She sighed again and pushed herself up, wandering into the kitchen to make herself a cup of tea.

She was staring out the window, waiting for the kettle, and wondering when it would start snowing when her dad walked into the kitchen. The bare trees stood out against the white, washed out sky and Sabrina turned from the window to snicker as her dad tried and failed to locate his favourite snack. 

"It's in this cupboard, baba." Sabrina finally sighed, showing mercy on her struggling father and pulling out a box of patisa.

"Oh, my daughter knows me too well." Her father said graciously, accepting the sweet before blinking innocently at his daughter. "You know what would go well with this?"

"Ugh, cant you make your own chai?" Sabrina mumbled.

"Why?" Her dad asked through a mouthful of his powdery dessert. "You're already making yourself a cup!"

"So?" Sabrina asked, throwing her hands up, already stressed out from University homework. "After you, does that mean I'll have to spend the rest of my life making tea for my husband?"

"Well lets hope your husband doesn't drink tea, then?" Her father suggested, suddenly weary for he wanted to avoid any conversation that might involve marriage.

Sabrina, however did not share the same sentiment.

"Oh!" She beamed, brightly. "Khalid doesn't drink tea."

"Sure," Her father said, clenching his jaw. "In between doing hard drugs and getting involved in gang fights, I suppose he just wouldn't have the time."

Sabrina kept her mouth shut for she wasn't going to snap angrily at her father, no matter how stubborn he chose to be. She inhaled sharply and let out her breath, giving herself time to think rationally before responding. The last thing she wanted to do was make her father more upset and kill any chance of him being open to consideration. As her father turned his back on her, she decided that this time, she would let it go.

* * *

"Oh my gosh!" Leila chirped and jumped up, a grin plastered on her face. "And then he said he wouldn't give up? Really! This is great! Oh my Gosh!"

"No wonder he's in such a good mood today." Emaan observed, chewing on her pen. "He nearly pissed himself laughing at a joke from one of his friends this morning. Also Halima told me he's been giving Hiba the cold shoulder for quite some time now."

"Oh yeah." Sabrina coloured at this information, remembering how Khalid had admitted that he couldn't even think about Hiba when he could have her. And all that time Sabrina had been worried that he'd been getting back together with the green eyed Arab girl.

"This is actually so great!" Leila sighed, happily. "Now all we need is your parents to just...understand."

Sabrina sniffed and resentfully eyed her lunch. The cafeteria was especially noisy today, with the end of Exam Week coming to a near but she felt small and trapped as if there was a bubble around her. The excited chatter was drowned out to a muffled blur of voices and laughter by her booming thoughts. She didn't know how to make her parents agree with her. She didn't even know where to begin.

"If only they could just see that I would be happy." She sighed into her hands. "Doesn't that matter to them? My happiness?"

Emaan and Leila glanced at her sympathetically before launching into possible plans. Sabrina listened thoughtfully to their ideas and suggestions, open to just about anything that didn't fall under the category of "Operation: Screw It and Run Away With Khalid." Somehow, she doubted her parents would ever speak to her again. It wasn't until Leila mentioned contacting supernatural beings from space and having them implant a brain altering device into her parents minds, when Sabrina held up a hand.

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