Chapter 30 - Alright

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Chapter Thirty - Alright

"Look, bro," Jamaal sighed, "just go up to her and apologize!" 

Khalid tightened his grip on the steering wheel, before taking a sharp turn. He refrained from looking at his best friend, who'd become tired of Khalid's attempts to avoid Sabrina. Khalid suspected that it put Jamaal off because while he was keeping out of Sabrina's way, Jamaal got to see less of Emaan. He smirked at this, rolling down his window and sticking out an arm.

"Why?" He asked, unkindly. "So you can check out Emaan while I'm grovelling for Sabrina's forgiveness?"

At this, the Pakistani boy turned to his friend with a scrutinizing glare. Khalid, after catching a glimpse of it, averted his gaze and kept his eyes on the road. He cut off an shiny black Odyssey in an attempt to catch a green light.

"Oh, I see." Jamaal nodded, just as unkindly. "Apologizing to a girl is beneath you."

Khalid was severely irritated by his response. He may have been known to be quite sexist in the past, treating girls like toys and using them as so. But now, he thought he'd gotten over his habits. Apparently not, he realized, if he felt shame in apologizing to Sabrina. But there was also so much more to it. Why should he apologize? What difference would it make? He would be no closer to convincing his parents to letting him marry her if he did? Besides, if she hated him, she could move on. But even Khalid knew what a great lie he was selling to himself. He knew too much about hate and it wasn't easy to let go that easily.

He remained silent, letting his irritation bubble in the pit of his stomach. Jamaal turned away, gazing out his window, not too happy on being right.

"You know." Jamaal mumbled, his breath fogging up the glass. "You're not the only one who's suffering."

* * *

Khalid hadn't gone back to school since talking to Hiba. He didn't want to face the world right now, didn't want to face Hiba and her startling confession that she had never loved him. He didn't want to face Sabrina either because he was unsure of how they could possibly work out. He was afraid she would move on, after what he'd done. He was afraid she'd decide he wasn't worth all the fuss. He scowled as he forced himself out of bed. The thought of her moving on bothered him greatly.

He felt like a coward for hiding, however. His professors wouldn't miss him but his friends and classmates were bound to note his absence. He wondered what Sabrina thought of him now, refusing to show his face at school. Perhaps she was glad, perhaps she never wanted to see him again, anyway. Khalid's phone rang, lighting up to show that Jamaal was calling.

He answered it with a sigh. "Salaam."

"Wasalaam." Jamaal replied, "Enough of this. I'm picking you up right now. Get ready. You're going to school today I don't care what your excuses are this is just-"

Khalid interrupted him. "Don't bother. I'm coming myself."

Khalid, too, had had enough.

* * *

At school, Khalid didn't look around, didn't talk to anyone and tried, for the life of him, to avoid bumping into Hiba. Or Sabrina. He strode through his classes with a perfect poker face, smirking at his friends' lame jokes and biting back yawns during class time. As lunch arrived, he charged out of the school, opting to eat out. Jamaal followed, pleased to have his friend finally showing his face at school again.

"So, what do you plan on doing about Sabrina?" Jamaal asked, carefully as they got into Khalid's car.

Khalid grimaced at the question. "What makes you think I'm going to do anything?" 

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