Ch. 3

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     It felt strange to eat breakfast at such a grand dining table surrounded by butlers with silver platters when the morning meal had always been such a casual affair at home. Cami and I would  cram in together on the small wooden bench that provided the only seating at our family's tiny kitchen table while Dad drank coffee and watched the news from his recliner in the adjacent living room and Mom tried her best to not burn the bacon and toast as always.

I blinked away the memory as a mountain of French toast was placed in front of me, dripping in maple syrup and butter while my glass was filled with fresh orange juice.

"Did you rest well?" Drake asked, taking a seat across from me, the enormous table making it feel as though he were a mile away.

"I did, actually. That was the first night of good sleep I've had since, well, you know." I answered, watching curiously as the butlers served thick rare steaks to Hayden and Tera while the rest of the Fiore's only drank from steaming mugs. Perhaps they're just not breakfast people. Although I couldn't look away as I watched a butler refill Drake's own mug with a dark red liquid.

"So I thought I might take you on a more extensive tour of the grounds today, would you like that?" He said, clearing his throat as he shifted uncomfortably in his seat, shooing the butler away before he was finished.

I nodded, "Uh, sure. That sounds nice." My mind still unnerved by the strange liquid that looked disturbingly similar to the blood seeping from Hayden and Tera's steaks. My stomach suddenly clenched, threatening to vomit.

Before I could ask to be excused, I bolted for the nearest balcony, desperate for some fresh air with Drake right on my heels. I grasped the cool stone railing, breathing deeply, grateful for the crispness of the morning air.

"Are you all right, Kyra?" Drake asked, gently placing a hand on my shoulder.

"Yes, I'll be fine. I would appreciate a moment alone though."

He didn't leave. My brow furrowed in annoyance at his silent denial of my simple request.

"Drake, please. I just need a minute." Still I could feel his presence behind me, unmoving.

"I'm sorry, Kyra. I can't." He finally said. I turned to face him.

"What do you mean you can't?" I asked, crossing my arms over my chest. His gaze went to the ground as he bit his lower lip, deep in thought. "Well?"

"I-I want to tell you. But you've only just arrived and-"

"Tell me what?" I snapped, my patience thinning rapidly.

"Kyra, please. It's not that simple."

"Whatever, I don't feel well, I don't have the energy for this. I'm going to my room." I said, stepping forward to leave the balcony only for Drake to snatch my waist and pull me back in front of him. "Excuse you!"

"You're not safe alone. I have to be with you and I promise I'll explain everything eventually but right now I just need you to trust me, okay?"

"Trust someone who keeps secrets?" I scoffed, "I think not."

Hurt quickly filled Drake's eyes though it suddenly turned to anger, a very frightening anger. He stepped forward, backing me against the railing.

"What are you doing?" I snipped, pressing a hand firmly against his chest in an attempt to prevent the distance between us from closing any further. I felt the muscles beneath my palm clench, along with his jaw. His pupils narrowed to pinpoints, a flood of red seemed to spill from them, filling his irises until they were suddenly a deep crimson. My breath snagged in my throat but I couldn't bring myself to look away despite the sickening feeling of being an animal trapped in a snare. 


In no less than a heartbeat, he vanished leaving only a breeze in his wake. I gasped, desperately filling my lungs as I realized I had, in fact, stopped breathing. What was that? His eyes...

Drake Dante.Tell me NOW! I don't have patience for this kind of crap so just TELL me."I snapped. I didn't want to be rude but I hated this kind of stuff. Drake had his back to me and would not turn around.I hopped off the railaand walked up to Drake and yanked his shoulder trying to get him to turn around.I swear I heard a growl and saw his eyes flash red.Drake stormed back inside leaving me alone on the balcony.a figure appeared in the door way.It was Alilah.

"c'mon I'll take you back to your room" She said soflty.I followed Alilah back to my bedroom.I changed into some purple shorts and a neon green T-shirt and sat on the couch in the living room and flipped through the mega T.Vs channels.Nothing was on.I was about to throw the remote in frustration when there was a knock at the door.I opened to find Drake.Drake led me to the bed and sat me and sat beside me.

" family and I....we aren't..normal"He murmured.I did nothing hoping he would continue."I can't really think of a way to tell you and I didn't even get my dinner so....I'll just show you."Drake moved in a split second and before I knew it I was in his lap his arms craddling me.Drake leaned towards my face.I thought he was gonna kiss me but then I realized he was leaning towards my neck.My heart pounded a million miles an hour this was almost like in the movies.But they were just movies they werent Drake couldnt be...but before i could finish my thought process I felt Drake's lips against my neck then a peirce.It was so painful.Dammit.I could feel something warm trickle down my neck.Shit.but then the pain was gone as Drake started to suck.It almost felt good.I felt frozen.Helpless.I was scared but relaxed all at once and so much more.Drake sank his fangs in deeper.I let out a light yelp my hand flying up grabbing a handfull of his hair.I tried to pull him away when his hand flew up and grabbed my wrist.It all felt so nice at first but now i felt lightheaded and the room started to spin and all I saw were Drake's blood red eyes before it all went black.

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