Chapter 1- That Boy

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"Crap!" I said under my breath when one of the boxes with my  stuff dropped on my foot.

"Need help with that Vic?" My brother asked putting down the last box with his things.

"Nah, I'm good, besides this is my last box." I said as I left upstairs to my new room and placed the box next to the already put together bed.  I threw my self in the bed and looked at the fan  in the room for a few seconds.

"Ugh Vic! Were the fuck is the bathroom?" My brother Mathew asked looking around our new house.

"Its the room next to yours!" I yelled out at him.

So after the 'incident' that happened with my dad, he decided to make it up to my mom by moving to another state that had my mom's suppose dream house. He actually just bough the house like a forgiveness present. But I sadly knew him more than anything, and i knew he only wanted to have sex with my mom again. I know it kind of sounds like 'American Horror Story' I just wish it actually turns like the show and i end up meeting Tate. That would me a-m-a-z-i-n-g, but i sadly knew that wasn't going to happen anytime soon so i didn't get  my hopes up. I thought about how miserable my year would be at a new school with new people.

My mom said that this will be a 'good year' because I'm meeting new people and they could be nicer than the people in my old school. I didn't argue with her knowing how bad she felt about what my dad did. But when my dad told me, i couldn't stop ranting about how inconsiderate his decision was and he needed to think about me and my brother felt. My brother honestly did not need help finding a group or anything but i did. Since me and my brother didn't argue, i would usually hang out with with him when i had no one to talk to, and he didn't mind.

My birthday will be in a few weeks since it was in in August and we were still in the first week of July. My mom and dad were planing on doing a small party to celebrate my birthday and i didn't really mind actually.

I stood up and walked downstairs and i saw my mom was placing the decoration around the house. I was about to walk through the door when i heard my mom saying something.

"Victoria dear, were are you going? Its almost time for dinner." She said with a grin on her face.

"Im just going to take a walk around the forest behind the house. It looks kinda nice." I simply said and walked out the house to the forest behind.

I wasn't such a nature obsessed girl, but something about nature makes me feel well,i guess. I walked further to what sounded as a small river. When i was walking there i heard a few steps and instantly turned around. I didn't see anyone so kept walking. It must have been the wind.

As i got closer and closer to the body of water, the noise sounded stronger, but besides that i saw someone sitting next to the river against a tree reading a book. I took slower steps trying not to make a sound but i failed when i stepped on a branch then the person directly hit there gaze on me. It was a tall looking guy with pitch black hair and bright blue eyes. He gave me a small smile and waved at me.

He looked absolutely beautiful. His hair had a messy quiff and he had black glasses that kinda looked like mine. I kept staring at him for a while before i noticed he was doing the same.

"Hello." I said with a awkward smile and wave.

"Hey, i haven't seen you before." He said with a happy smile now closing his book looking directly at my eyes.

"Oh yeah, i just moved in a few days ago." I said kicking some rocks in the ground. The guy was so beautiful, and his voice was just the same. He honestly reminded  me of Phil Lester, not just because of his beautiful ocean eyes, but of his cute little accent.

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