Chapter 7- Ice cream Shop

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I was laying in my back. Looking at the different patterns that trace my roof. It was already dark and my brother left the room a few minutes ago, and I was left alone here in my own thoughts. I saw my phone turn on in the corner of my eye, and it's been doing that for a while now.

Maybe it's my tumblr notifications, but I haven't checked any single one of them. I turned to my side to look at the screen, and find missed calls from Greyson. I picked up the phone as decided to call back.

The phone didn't ring for a long time, because he rapidly picked up and answered.

"Hey Vic, are you ok?" I heard his sweet but raspy voice say over the phone sounding worried.

"Yeah, um, I'm ok." I responded, still looking at the roof then running my hand through my hair.

"You sure?" He asked once again.

"Yeah, I'm sure." I said letting out a small giggle.

"Hey, um, you wanna, like go for a walk or something." He asked trying to sound confident.

"Well, I wish but I can't exactly get out my house at the moment." I responded slightly disappointed.

"Oh ok, well talk to you later." With that, Greyson ended the call, and I was once again staring at my plain white roof.

My room looks so plain. I thought.

I should really decorate it sometime. But right now I was tired. Exhausted even. I was drifted away from my thoughts when I heard a light knock on my window. It was pretty windy outside, so I assumed it was a pesky branch hitting my window.

But there it was again. That stupid knocking. I sat up to go and move the branch or something, when I realize it was Greyson looking through the window and smiling.

"Oh God." I said under my breath as I ran to the window and opened it.

"What are you doing here, it's late?" I said concerned.

Greyson got inside my room and shivered of being slightly cold.

"Bloody hell, it's cold out there." He said fixing his hair his accent sounding stronger than usual.

"Maybe you wouldn't be so cold if you have worn a jacket." I said as I walked to my bed laughing.

"Yeah I should have worn a jumper or something." He said as he walked towards me, and sat beside me on the bed. "Aren't you scared that a random stranger you only just met a few days ago jumped from your window to your room?" He said laughing.

"Nah, I'm not exactly having a 'good time' here so if a stranger breaks in my window I wouldn't really mind. And besides I consider this to be quite cliché actually." I said with a low laugh.

"True true. So how about that walk?"


We were walking down the quiet streets with only dim yellow lights lighting it's way.

Me and Greyson where walking through the small neighborhood, staring at the dark night sky, that only showed a few stars.

"So why are we walking here again?" I asked.

"Because, walking always takes my mind of things. And I could see you're going through a lot so I assumed this would help. Besides there's quite nice ice cream shop nearby." He said with a small grin.

"Cool." I stated plainly with a smile.

We walked in silence for a while before I heard the sound of skateboard wheels hitting the concrete ground. I turned around and saw two guys skateboarding, heading towards us.

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