Chpater 10- Near Death

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A/N: Heyyyy so the picture up there is what I imagined the hall going downstairs would look like. I tried to find the perfect image for the houses living room but nothing goes near the accuracy I want.

I woke up the next morning on the hard wooden floors, with a extreme pain all over my body. I rolled over so my back was facing the floor and looked up.

I stood up and stretched slightly while yawning. I saw the broken pictures down the stairs and all the events from yesterday hit my head. A extreme headache hit my head and I groaned in pain. I rubbed my temples furiously while I tried to stand up.

I started walking upstairs calling for mom as I felt the shattered glass press against my shoes.

"Mom!" I called out as I approached her room. I knocked on her door lightly then she came out in her night gown.

"Good morning, sweetie. Whats wrong?" She asked in a soft soothing tone.

"Mom I-I almost g-got k-killed by the c-coven." I said stuttering then suddenly feeling my body weak and numb and fell to the floor.

"Vic!" I could hear my mom yelling as my vision once again turn hazy.

"Call a ambulance!" I heard my brother yell.

With that I felt my self drifting to sleep as I closed my eyes and my body once again turned numb.


I woke up in a hard table. My back felt as sore as ever. I tried to at up then realized I couldn't move my body. I tried moving around, trying to see if there was someone. In the corner of my eye was someone, which I couldn't make out who it was. The person seemed to be having a black cloak.

Oh no. I thought hysterically, trying to move. It was those people again. Not again. I tried my hardest to move but I couldn't. Then I saw more people in cloaks and eventually stared screening.

"Help!" I yelled in a pleading voice from the top of my lungs. But nobody was there to hear. By this time I started to panic. I tried to use my powers, but it didn't work.

What the hell is wrong with me? I was useless at the moment and couldn't do anything. Then I felt a hand touch my shoulder lightly.

"No no no, get of me! Don't touch me!" I screamed while hot tears streamed down my face.

The person was saying something, but I couldn't her what the person was saying. I started to freak out, shaking hysterically not knowing what to do.

Then I felt a sharp needle go inside my arm. I closed my eyes shut, as I felt the cold liquid run inside my body. I was dead. They won. I thought.

After what seemed like hours of have my eyes open, I quickly sat up panting. I was sweaty and felt cold. I looked to my side to find my mom looking for something in the shelves with potions.

"Oh your awake!" She turned around, running toward me then grabbing me in a warm tight hug. "I thought you wouldn't wake up anytime soon." She said still hugging me, running her hand in my back.

"M-mom, I-I saw them. They were here. They injected something in me mom! Th-they almost killed me." I said as I started crying in my mother's shoulders.

"Shhh, don't cry." She sad in a soothing tone. "It was just a hallucination. The people you saw in the cloaks here weren't real. I was the person you saw, and what I injected in you was a healing brew. Somehow they sliced open your skin and then gave you temporary hallucinations to torture you mentally." She said still rubbing her hand in my back.

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