Chapeter 2- The Person In The Dark Cloak

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I woke up by the sound of rain hitting against my window. I stood up and i felt my whole body hurt, i tried to stretch it of then went to check the hour in my phone, it was 7:34am. It was way to early for my liking but once i wake up i cant go back to sleep. I went to my closet and picked up a black The Neighborhood shirt with a pair of black skinny jeans and some black converse. I went to my drawer and looked for my black choker and my glasses.

I headed towards the bathroom and with my 'telekinesis' closed it because I'm to lazy. I moved my hand in the air slightly and without even touching the shower head, i turned it on. Browsing through the bathroom drawers and picked up a purple  bath bomb and threw it in the bath. I took out all my clothes and slipped in the bathtub and relaxed in there.

I stayed there for a while thinking of random things. But i eventually got bored then took a quick shower and got out. Looking for the towel in the bathroom and i couldn't find it. When i finally found it it was in the floor under the sink. I bent down and took it then wrapped the towel around my body and went outside to put the outfit i picked up. As soon as i already had my outfit complete i went to the bathroom and put on a little eyeliner and some lipgloss. I headed outside and made sure my outfit was complete. I stared at my self on the mirror for a long time, my black wavy hair was tangled and in reached until my chest. I had a skin color that kinda looked like when you put milk in coffee and light brown with green eyes with light freckles. I went to my bed stand after what seemed like hours of getting ready and picked up my glasses and my phone and headed downstairs.

I sat down in the kitchen counter and checked the hour, it was 8:13am, it was still early but my mom would be up by 8:00am so i thought it was weird she wasn't up. I looked at the kitchen table, and saw tons of papers for job applications scattered around. Maybe she went to sleep later than usual last night looking for a job. Sense my mom wasn't up yet i might as well make my self some breakfast.

I stood up from the kitchen counter and looked for some serial in the cupboards. I finally found some Cinnamon Toast Crush and placed it in the counter, then headed to the fridge to get some  milk. I forgot i hadn't taken a bowl and a spoon to place it all in, so looked for a white bowl and spoon with cute vintage designs on both and placed it in the counter with the rest of the things. I poured the cereal inside the bowl then added so milk. There was a lot of news papers scattered around the kitchen table, so i didn't eat there. Instead i just went to the couch, turned on the TV, and eat there. The TV currently giving Adventure Time, so i just slouched in the couch and took big spoonfuls of cereal. After a while of eating; and almost finishing; i heard my parents room open from upstairs. Then i saw it was my mom tiredly walking down stairs. I soon as i saw how tired she looked, i placed my bowl of serial in the coffee table and went to the kitchen to make her some coffee.


I already made my mom some coffee and he were both sitting in the couch talking about random things.

"Um, so mom. Did you find a job yet?" I asked.

"Not really. But I'm gonna keep looking for job applications later." My mom said then a yawn escaped her lips.

"Want any help? I could help you out finding a job." I asked her.

"No, its ok, anyways we're going to be busy making dinner. Our neighbors said they're going to come here to visit at 7:30pm. They didn't say anything about dinner, but i decided to make it anyways." My mom said with a grin.

"Shouldn't they be making dinner for us, I mean we are they're new neighbors, they're supposed to be greeting us." I said taping my almond shape nails against the glass coffee table.

"Victoria, please, its just making it dinner for them as a nice gesture." My mom said.

"Still they should-" i was cut of by my sleeping brother heading downstairs with a sleepy yawn.

"Mornin' mom." He said yawning as he walked to the kitchen still wearing the close he wore yesterday night, which meant he woke up and didn't shower. "Hey Vic." He continued as he poured him self some cereal.

"Mom, I'm gonna go take a walk through the forest again its peaceful." I said as i stood up from the couch and headed towards the door.

"Ok, but honey be here for lunch ok, I'm ordering pizza." My mom almost yelled at me as i walked through the door.

I walked back to the forest i was yesterday at, i never really got to see everything around it because of this Greyson guy. As i observed the passing trees i heard my self getting closer to the small river i was at yesterday. Once i reached there it was the same as yesterday, it had cute little purple flowers floating around. As soon as i reached the river, i kept on going on the direction in flowed. I saw there was a small bridge and i decided to walk on it and cross to the other side.

On the other side of the bridge were way bigger and more beautiful trees and a waterfall, that must've seen that there's were the water came from. Then close to there i saw what seemed to be ruins of a old cement house. I kept walking in awe capturing the beauty around me. I stopped once i saw a cute cuddly bunny hopping around. As soon as it saw me it ran away looking scared, i quickly took it and hugged it in my arms before it could get away. I petted its head to let in know I'm a good person.

As soon as i let the bunny go i felt someone walking behind me. I quickly turn around and look around the trees to looking for someone or something. All i saw when i turned around was a deep black shadow quickly disappear. I took a few steps behind me, then i felt someone behind me, but the presence felt cold and i could see a black shadow hover over me. I started to tremble, i was cared and confused. What was going on? Should i turn around or not? I felt my self starting to have a panic attack.

I turned around only to see the same black shadow still there. I wish it could go away, but it didn't. The black shadow turned out to be a tall person in a black cloak that covered the person completely. I couldn't see the persons face, but i could see the person had a necklace though. It was kind of a triangle with a weird symbols and a few quartz. Im pretty sure I've seen that before in one of my moms books.

"Who are you?" I said trying to hide my fear in confident voice, but failing.

The person just stayed quite and started walking towards me, i took a few steps back and fell on a rock that was laying there. The person kept walking before it was a few feet away. I was laying in the ground uselessly while the mysterious person stayed in the same position for a while.

"What do you want?" I managed to whimper. I didn't realized i was crying until i felt a salty tear in my mouth. Why am i so scared? No, I'm not scared. I'm terrified.

As soon as i said that i felt myself levitating from the ground and my back hit against a tree while i felt like someone was choking me. When i looked down the person wasn't even touching me. This person was a witch too.

Hey hey readers. Did you like the second chapter. I think its actually getting interesting now. So yeah hope you enjoyed this chapter and i love yall.

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