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"Why are you even here!?" Valentine yelled at Sky in frustration.

"I'm sure I told you."

"No, you didn't." The younger Jayden stopped midstride. "What did you do?"

"What did I do? Why, absolutely nothing."

"I can hear it."

"Hear what?"

"Your crap."

"Can you?"

"I've learned to detect it."

"Please tell me all-knowing, powerful Valentine. What am I deceiving you about?"

"I can't think of anything but I know you didn't come here tonight to play the concerned, overbearing big brother."

"Didn't I?"


"How would you know? Half the time you were staring at Anna like she was a full course meal, which for you, is probably accurate and the other half, you were tasting her tonsils."

"How dare you even!" Anna shrieked.

Valentine almost forgot she was with them. When Sky pulled him away from the festivities inside, he didn't noticed Anna trailed them onto the elevator and down. But she made her presence known when she rushed forward and tried to slap Sky across the face. His hand caught her wrist like a viper's strike and his eyes gleamed a chilling blue.

Still reeling in shock, Valentine pulled Anna back. She staggered a bit at the unanticipated force and landed with her back firmly against his chest. For a moment, Sky's face was an open book and Valentine read the emotions until it stopped at one specifically. His eyes darkened as they met Anna's then Valentine's.

"Don't let it happen again." His tone reflected his eyes. "We're leaving."

Trepidation sang through Valentine in such intensity. At first, he was confused. However, peeking down at Anna, he saw her trembling. She was petrified. Instinct took over and he placed himself between her and Sky. His stance was defensive.

"No, we're not."

"Fine, she can stay." Sky looked daggers at Anna. "You, on the other hand, have no choice."

"What nerve—?"

"I'm your legal guardian. You do as I say when I say it. Don't argue with me."

Valentine was about to disagree before a deafening cry cut him off. It was unmistakably female. It was a shrill, primal kind of sound filled with sheer terror and never really trailed off. There was a sort of anxiety about it like what one might expect to unleash during the finale of a life threatening fight.

Another shriek followed the first. Anna moved closer to Valentine, her hand clutching his arm tightly. Valentine and Sky canvassed the immediate area at the same time to discover the danger wasn't there. Valentine shut his eyes and concentrated on letting his senses to tell him what he needed to know. When he opened his eyes, he glanced at Sky whose expression mirrored his.

Someone was in dire need of help. From the sounds of it, the supernatural kind. As much as Valentine wanted to, he knew there was no ignoring it. At least, not for Sky. They both knew where their damsel in distress was. The strong, sweet fragrance drifting into his nostrils told Valentine it could only be one person.

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