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     Iris jolted up in her bed.

A thin layer of glistening sweat covered her body and for a moment, she just sat there panting, trying to control her shaking body. Her mind felt violated.

He has many powers.

Those were her grandmother's words. Now she could add telepathy along with astral projection to the list. She feared how long that list really was.

A look over to the clock on her nightstand told her it was 7:30 a.m. She groaned audibly and flopped back down into her castle of pillows. The horrible start to a bad day. She was already late for school. Her heart still a jackhammered in her chest and, at this point, school seemed so trivial.

Although it was lunchtime, Iris didn't feel hungry at all. Adjectives that described her were more along the lines of tired and beaten. She walked through the cafeteria and went to sit out on the patio at a secluded table. There were kids laughing, eating, and enjoying themselves while she sat miserably. It seemed as though everything in the world mocked her today.

Even the weather was wonderful. Not too cool, not too hot. Perfect. Except if someone were in a mood, which Iris was. Images of her nightmare continuously flashed through her head all morning. Through her drive, her classes, her walks in between class.

It was torment and she just couldn't shake those scars from her mind. Worse yet, Zairian's words.

Now that I found you, there's not a place on earth you can hide that I won't find you.

You may be impervious to mind control but you're powerless to defend yourself against me telepathically.

You let me in.

Now I can come and go as I please.

She frowned, her hands balling into fists of frustration on the table. An unnatural amount of dried leaves glided down in spirals around her and she glanced up then behind her. A trail of sad, wilted plants bordered her. The tree nearest her looked the most withered. Its trunk looked particularly dehydrated and its branches were nigh barren now.

"Dammit," she whispered to herself. She needed to get a better handle on her powers. Her eyes swept across the assembly of teens to see if anyone noticed.

"Any train of thought?" a silky voice interrupted her survey.

Iris didn't have to turn to know who it was. Valentine. The only person she knew sounded like an angel but was so far from it. God, she was getting too used to him.

"Did I give you the impression we were friends or something?" A hint of irritation was evident in Iris's reply.

"No, but last night did happen." He smiled innocently. "I have to warn you though. Anna doesn't like to share."

"Like hell I'd ever come on to you." Iris rolled her eyes. "Speaking of your girlfriend, where is she anyway?"

In one graceful movement, he sat down in front of her, his eyes always on her.

"She didn't feel up for school. Some feminine issue or another I guess."

"Aw, it must be hard being a vampire while your girlfriend has her period."

"Vampire, not menophile." Valentine stressed. "Believe it or not, some of us have boundaries."

"Do you?"

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