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"Hello, Iris." The sensual drawl came from behind her locker door.

She grudgingly closed her locker knowing just whom she would find. Zander Erin leaned casually against Vladimir's locker. His clear eyes raked over her entirety once before meeting her gaze. A playful smirk tugged at his lips.

"Did you want something besides a sexual harassment lawsuit?"

"You know what I want." His tone was so suggestive her cheeks blossomed red. He ran his hand through his brown spikes then added, "You should go to the Fall Formal with me."

"Should?" Iris scoffed.

Since the day they met he was nothing but arrogant. Zander Erin was a senior at Beckford High who transferred last year. He was instantly a hot commodity amongst the girls—all of them except for Iris. Although he had a few flings here and there, he kept his sights on her. She never entertained the thought and actually pretty much replied with sarcasm to his antics.

It didn't matter though.

Zander was a persistent kind of guy so he still kept trying. To her dismay, he told her he liked her "feistiness." Iris was thankful this was his last year. According to him, he planned on going out of state for university after taking a gap year to travel. She didn't care what he did with his life as long as he kept his tentacles to himself.

"Get lost pervert." Sue glowered at him as she came to stand by her sister's side.

"Tell me if you change your mind gorgeous." Zander winked at Iris before he walked off.

"Thanks, Sue."

"Just doing my sisterly duty of keeping creepers away." She beamed when they started down the hall. "Have you seen Lisa lately?"

"No. Why?"

"It was just a thing I wanted to talk to her about." Her shoulders shrugged up before dropping nonchalantly. "It's no big deal. I'll try her later or something."

The last bell of the day just rang. Although Iris had classes with Lisa most of the day, she couldn't vouch for her whereabouts now. She couldn't remember whether she had lunch with them. Since the battle on Lake Luc Valentine, Sky, Sue, Penelope, Gregory, Lisa, and Mae were especially concerned about her safety. Rather annoyingly, they never left her side if it was possible thus their new lunch arrangements.

Annabelle wasn't too fond of it either. Actually, she looked daggers at Iris every chance she got. If she didn't do that, she ignored her completely. Iris didn't mind. She didn't care much for Annabelle either. She hadn't done anything wrong to her and the girl treated her as if she murdered her entire family or something.

Lunches were awkward sitting with Lisa, Mae, Sue, Chantelle, Valentine, and Annabelle at the same table. Iris could tell Sue and Chantelle missed their friends but they didn't invite them over. Annabelle's old friends didn't come over either. It wasn't like they could with the kind of conversations the group held. Most centered around Zairian, Samael, immortals, vampires, or witches.

Everyone was driven to learn whatever snippet of information he or she could. It was difficult since their pool of info was limited to grimoires and whatever Gregory, Penelope, Sky, Jacob, or Lisa could remember or dig up. One of those things included Lisa telling them Zairian was weakened. Being as hotheaded as ever, Sky suggested they struck while he was still vulnerable. Lisa said it would be suicide and Penelope backed her up.

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