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     Several minutes passed before the girls finished their explanations to Gregory. All the while, he sat there taking it in. He never interrupted them. He only listened. When they finished, he sat quietly.

"You really thought you couldn't come to me with this?" He asked both Iris and Sue.

When Sue remained quiet, Iris replied.

"You had other things to deal with. I didn't want to add to your problems. It's obvious you're hunting something else."

"But a vampire?" Gregory shook his head. "One you hardly know at that!"

"He's helped us." Iris almost couldn't believe she was defending Sky. That was the last thing she expected to be doing when she woke up this morning. Then again, the whole day was one unexpected event after another.

"You trust him?" It was more of an accusation. He laughed hysterically. "It's like I haven't taught you anything!"

"You don't get it!" Sue snapped. "You're hunting something else and meanwhile Zairian's hunting Sissy. Do you honestly think this stupid ward is going to hold up against him for long? He has witches on his side! He'll find a way to get through and when he does, he'll come for her. So excuse us if we're doing just about everything we can think of to keep her alive!"

Gregory looked utterly shocked by Sue's outburst and Iris shared his reaction. She was usually reserved—passive. She didn't let things upset her and normally played the peacekeeper. The fact that she was yelling, at their father no less, showed how much this really upset her.

Again, Iris felt a stab of guilt.

"There are other methods to try." Gregory had recovered. "There's a multitude of them out there you could try before turning to vampires."

"Really?" Sue screamed. "I don't see you coming up with any solutions with these multitudes of methods! All you've done is strap down vampires and their recruits to that table and tortured them. What do you have to show for it other than a bloody slab?"

Gregory opened his mouth to say something.

"Nothing!" Sue cut him off. "At least we learned something today. At least we did something before. And Sky helped!"

"Sue," Iris said in warning tones.

She knew their father's views about them being in danger—especially the vampire kind. Mentioning Sky helped them take out Galilea, Blake, and Brayden after he devised the plan in the first place wasn't going to make Gregory see the light.

"Because this vermin helped you on a few occasions it means you can put your sister's life in his hands?" Gregory shot up from the couch.

"I'm not doing that!" Sue rose to her feet too. "He's just a pawn on a very large chessboard."

"This isn't a game! This is Sissy's life. Do you understand that? This is your sister's life! You do not get to toy with it!"

"I'm not toying with her life!" Sue's voice ratcheted another notch. "I'm trying to save her!"

"By placing her in jeopardy?!"

"I'm trying to help her find the best solution!" Sue said, her eyes shining with tears. "Just because you hate working with vampires doesn't mean we have to. Sissy's birthday is two months away. Two months! Maybe you think we have all the time in the world but we don't. We're desperate and I'll do anything—kill anyone who gets in my way—to keep my sister alive. I only have eight living relatives and I don't plan on that number going down any time soon!"

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