~Chapter 10 - Sarah ~

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The sun was shining brightly up in the sky and no cloud in sight. There was just enough wind to push us on our journey wherever we were heading. If it were up to Christian, I believe he'd live on the Catamaran and not look back. He seemed so comfortable sailing. He was so carefree, so young, and playful not to mention a little bossy.

Before we set sail, he had me put on a life jacket. I guess he didn't want another accident. I know I didn't. That was scary enough. If it wasn't for him...I didn't argue with Mr. Bossy. I slipped the jacket on and we begun our journey.

"Would you like something to drink?" Christian asked politely; though there was a hit of nervousness in his voice.

"Yes, thank you. Bottled water is fine."

"Water it is." Christian had begun to walk away but turned back to me, saying, "Just sit there. Don't move till I get back." He was teasing but I could see in his eyes how serious he was.

"I can't promise I won't move." I said coquettishly. "You'd have to tie me up."

There was a gleam in Christian's eyes and smile that told me he had a secret. What is your secret Mr. Grey?

"I might hold you to that." Christian smirked as he disappeared inside.

What did that mean? Are you kinky, Mr. Grey? I smirked at that thought but shook it off. Couldn't be possible be into S&M.

Several minutes later, Christian returned with two bottles of water for both of us and sat next to me, quietly. He seemed nervous as he handed a bottle over to me. To be honest, I was a little nervous as well. It has been so long since I'd been with a man. The last man I was with was my fiancé just before he died. I wondered if it was he same with him?

Where was Ana? She seemed to have disappeared. There were still so many things I wanted to know about Christian; I knew he would never tell me everything.

"Tell me a little about yourself..." I broke the ice, hoping that he'd tell me something about himself.

"What do you want to know?" He glanced at me.

"Everything!" I blurted out a little to nervously and was quiet after as I waited for him to reply.

Christian gave me a smirk, "Yeah?"

Oh yeah!

"Let's see, where to begin? I was adopted by wonderful parents and I have two siblings, a brother and a sister named Elliot and Mia."

Adopted? I had no idea.

"I had it good growing up but I didn't know it at the time." Christian was looking out at the water, leaving that one linger in the air.

I suspected that there was more to that, that he was going to keep to himself. That was okay, I understood. He could tell me when he was ready.

"I met and fell madly in love with Ana when she interviewed me for her school newspaper."

"There's a story there, isn't there?"

"She fell into my office."

Ana fell into his office? Like me and my two left feet.

"She wasn't one of the yes people I deal with every fucking day at the office. She saw right through me. It unnerved me but I was so intrigued all the same and I wanted her."

Like you wanted me the first time you saw me? I didn't dare ask that question because I knew the answer to that and hearing it might be a little unnerving.

"How long were you two together?"

"We were married within three months and pregnant not long after." Christian was quite for a moment remincing no doubt, then said. "She was taken away from me four years ago by some fucker named Jack Hyde."

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