First Day of School.

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Cheyenné POV:

Taylor: Chey! Mama said wake up and get ready for school!

Cheyenné: Get out Taylor!!!

Taylor: I'm telling Mama!


Mama T: Cheyenné Denise Johnson if you don't get up right now and get yo ass ready for school!

Cheyenné: Mama I am woke! God!

Mama T: What did you just say to me?

Cheyenné: Nothing.

Mama T: Thats what I thought! I'll slap the shit outta you! You better watch who you talking too!

Cheyenné: *rolls eyes* *mumbles* whatever


Hey I'm Cheyenné I'm 16 years old. I'm in the 11th grade. I attend P.Wilson Highschool in Malibu, CA. I have 3 bestfriend Trinitee, Jordynn, and Leah. We've been friends since Kindergarden our parents grew up together. We are semi popular but it's really only one group in the school that's everyone would love too hang with. And that's Michael and his crew, which consist of his 3 bestfriends: Chris, Rakim, and Devin. They are all cute but Michael is the cutest! I really like Michael he got some sexy ass tattoos, he can rap and he plays football but I don't think he likes me! I hope he does cuz we could be something if he stop playing! But enough about him I gotta get ready for school!


Cheyenné POV:

I got out the shower, looked at the clock it read 7:30 a.m. So walked into my closet to see what I was going to wear I decided on something simple light washed jeans, Grape 5s, White Ralph Lauren Polo shirt, and my Bompton beenie. I walked in my bathroom and brushed my teeth, curled my hair and put on my Bompton beenie, did my make-up and walked out my bathroom, towards my dresser put on my Juicy Couture perfume and diamond studded earrings! Looked at the time it's read 8:02 a.m. I checked my self in the mirror one last time! Took a picture and posted it on Instagram! Grabbed my bag and car keys walked downstairs into the kitchen grabbing a biscuit, eggs, sausage and a cup of OJ. Kissed my mom goodbye! Left out the door, got into my car. Called Jordynn and told her to be outside in 15. Checked my phone and I had 40 notifications from Instagram. Plugged my phone up and played Chief Keef Hate Being Sober. And drove to Jordynn's house.


Cheyenné POV:

I called Jordynn to let her know I was outside. She had on a grey Adidas sweatsuit with some grey and blue Samoa's.

Cheyenné: Wassup Bitch you cute!

Jordynn: Hey boo, Thank You. You do too!

Cheyenné: Thanks! Have you talked to Trin and Leah?

Jordynn: No on Trin. But I did talk to Leah she at school. I'll text Leah and ask has she seen Trin.

Cheyenné: Ok!


Jordynn's POV:

Jordynn: Leah said that .Trin's at school. And its an emergency!! And to come to the bathroom.

Cheyenné: Emergency? Aww God!

In the Bathroom.

Jordynn: Okay Wtf is going on?

Cheyenné: Yeah, what happened?

Trinitee: My face happened!

Jordynn: Wtf! Happened to your face Trin?

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