Let Keep It That Way! Pt.2

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August POV:

I just got finished making dinner and cleaning the kitchen. I walked upstairs when I seen Chey laying on the floor I dropped the food and rushed too her side I kept calling her name out over and over again but she wasn't answering I checked her pulse and she wasn't breathing! I begain panicing and tryed giving her CPR she wasnt responding so I called the ambulance they rushed her too the hospital I got Khai's carseat and put her in it and drove towards the hospital. When I got there they told me too wait in the waiting room and wait until the doctor calls for me. I sat down and put my hands in my head I prayed that Chey would be okay! I really love this girl! Thats my bestfriend I would go crazy if something happened too her and my goddaughter! I was broken out of my thought when Chey's phone starting ringing the name on the screen said Triniti! I slide the green bar across and answered it!

Phone Convo:

A- Hey Trin this is August I'm at St.Joseph's hospital! Chey stopped breathing!! Tell Michael and yall hurry up and come!

T- Okay we're on our way!

A- Aight!


Trin POV:

OMG!! My bestfriend well Ex because she fucking hates me but oh well she's still my bestfriend! I really hope and pray she's okay!! (cries)

Me: TY!!!!!!!!! (cries)

Michael: WHAT? What happened?

Me: Something happened to Chey she's at St. Joseph's hospital! Hurry up let's go!!!!!! (cries)

Me and Ty get in the car and head to the hospital!

Michael: How did you know she was in the hospital?

Me: I called her phone and August answered and told me!

Michael: Tf he doin answering her phone?!

We got to the hospital and i got out and grabbed Kaiden and ran in! I seen August sitting there I run up and hugged him!

Me: Hey August! 

August: Hey wassup!

Me: Did they tell you anything?

August: No! I've been siting her for 30minutes.

Ty walked in!

August: Wassup man!

MIchael: Hmm.

FInally the doctor came out he called for us and he told us that Chey had an asthma attack! 

Chey POV:

I woke up with things in my arms and a oxygen mask I was confused about what happened! Later on I seen Trin walk in. I missed her! Trin was the ran up too me!

Trin: Yannie I know you hate me! but idgaf I love you and care about you and you still my bestfriend! (cries)

Me: I love you too Trin and you will always be my bestfriend! Now stop crying!! Damn! (laughs)

Trin: I cant help it! (laughs)

Next Michael walked in! 

Michael: Hey bae how you feeling?

Me: Good!

Michael: So when are you coming home?

Me: I don't know yet! Soon tho!

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