Honey's First Show

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I was still pissed at Michael but I was gonna put on a smile since it was Honey's first show it was 6:20 a.m. and we had to be at the venue at 8:00 a.m. I got up and pick out a white tank top, khaki jeans, my red last kings hoodie and hat, with my toro reds. I got in the shower, got out dried off and got dressed after I got dressed I went in the bathroom brushed my teeth and did my make up! I blow dried my hair and flat ironed it. I walk out the room with out saying a word to Michael, I walked downstairs and into the kitchen to make something too eat. I went back upstairs to everybody's room too let them know breakfast was ready. I went to Heathers room to see if she was ready.

Me: Hey boo!

Heather: Hey I'm in the bathroom.

Me: Are you dressed?

Heather: Yeah!

Me: Oooo my bish look cute!

Heather: Aw. Thanks You do too!

Me: Thanks.

Heather: You good?

Me: Yeah he tried to apologize last night but I don't think he understand what I'm talking about?! I'm still not talking too him tho!

Heather: Yeah I know what you mean!

Me: Why you got this bag ain't we coming back after the show?

Heather: Girl we going out tonight after the show!

Me: Oh shit! Why y'all didn't tell me I only got 20 minutes and it takes me forever too find something too wear!

Heather: Well try to go pack something within the next 20 minutes.

Me: Aight.

So I went back into my room in search of something to wear tonight! & I finally found this short tight fitted leather dress that was see through in the front where the chest area was with my black Christian Louboutin heels and some gold accessories. I packed my make up bag, flat irons, curling irons and everything else I needed. It's was almost time too go so I left outta my room and went into Trin's.

Me: Hi. booty!!

Trin: Hey!

Me: Not you, Kaiden!

Trin: Oh. *ctfu*

Me: You guys look cute.

Trin: Duhh bish me and my son always look cute! Nah thank you. You do too!

Me: Yeah cuz I was about too say! And thanks. But my booty look cuter then you! Yes him do yes him do with his little beanie and him converse with him shorts and little gold chain. You going to visit Grandma today?

Trin: Yeah ima ask Michael too take me after the venue.

Me: I can take you since I'm driving my car.

Trin: I thought we was all riding with Michael?

Me: Y'all can ride with him if y'all won't but me and Kaiden are riding together! Tell her booty Fuck a fake friend where my god mommy at?!

Trin: *laughs* Really Yannie?

Me: *laughs* Too much?

Trin: Yeah! So I talked to Jasmine and she told that she seen my mom-

Me: What?!!

Trin: Yeah and she walked up too her and was like mom remember me? & my mom was looking at her like she was confused she said and she was like its me Jasmine! & she said my mom was like you look really familiar but I don't know you! & that's when she see's that bitch Josh and she said he started asking her questions like does she want too be a hoe and all of that & she told him you're sick af! Before you met my mom our life was great and then your alcoholic drug abusive ass had to come and mess everything up and she said after that her and Tay ran home.

Me: Wooow!! So him and your mom now room the streets of LA! That's sad that Jasmine had too see her mom like that! Where is your dad?

Trin: Hell if I know! My dad cut all ends from us the minute my mom started messing with him!

Me: But I thought you and him we're talking at one point!

Trin: We were them I got pregnant by that son of a bitch and he changed his number and never called me again!

Me: Wow!! I'm sorry Trin!

Trin: Girl I'll be fine as long as can talk to my grandma everyday and FaceTime them I'm all good!

Me: Yeah but let's go! So we can get too the venue.

At the venue!

It was Meet & Greets at 2:00 - 4:00pm we took pictures with the fans me, Trin and Heather even signed a few autographs and took some pictures! Meet and Greets were finally over but it was 2 kids left and they couldn't get in since they were the last 2 in line and meet and greets were over. So Michael told the security to let them in and when I seen who it was I was more excited too see them then they were to see Tyga and Honey!

Me: Tay?!! Jaz?!!

Tay: *gasps* Chey!!!!

Jaz: *gasps and screams* OMG!! I missed you so much is my sister here?

Me: Yeah & I haven't seen you guys in forever!!!

Tay: You see me on Face Time everyday!

Me: No I see mom on FaceTime everyday! I see you once a week because your busy now!

Tay: You are too! Your dating one of the hottest rappers in the game and one of your bestfriends is the dopest female artist besides Nicki! Do you know her too?!

Me: Yes I know her and the rest of YMCMB!

Tay: Are they gonna be here?!!

Me: No I don't think so?!

Tay: Aww okay. Jaz let's take our pictures and get ready!

Jaz: Ok here I come

Me: You guys are coming to the concert tonight?

Tay: Yeah! We got front row tickets!

Me: Oh yeah that's right Tay your birthday is coming up! What are you doing?

Tay: I'm going in door go cart racing and having a BBQ on my actual birthday! You coming right?

Me: Yeah I'm coming! & I gotta surprise birthday gift for you too!

Tay: *screams* I can't wait too see what it is!

Jaz: Why didn't Trin bring Kaiden?

Me: Because we are going out tonight so Tyga's mom is watching him until we get back!

Jaz: *sighs* okay!

Me: Aww don't be sad you get too see him soon!

Jaz: Yeah ik she just told me!

Me: Yeah well Honey and Ty has too get ready for sound check too I'll see you guys at the concert call me!

Jaz: Bye Chey, Bye Trin!

Tay: Okay bye Chey, Bye Trin!

Me: Bye guys! Love you! Tell mom I said hi!

Trin: Bye girls! Jaz tell grandma I said hey and I'll be over later and Tay tell Momma T I said hey!

Jaz: Bye Chey, Bye Trin!

Tay & Jaz: Bye Tyga! Bye Honey!!

Honey: Bye baby cocas!

Tyga: Aight! Bye ladies!

At the hotel

I left out the room but before I could Michael grabbed me by my waist and onto his lap.

Me: What Michael?!

Mikey: You still mad?

Me: Yes Michael that shit was not coo! That really hurt my feelings and I don't think you under-

Michael stopped me in the middle of my sentence by kissing me!

Mikey: I do understand! I understand how I'm always blaming you for little shit or petty shit and how I was in the wrong for what went down last night!

Me: Do you really?

Mikey: Yes!

Me: Are you gonna stop blaming me and people in general and take responsibility of yourself?

Mikey: Yes!

Me: Okay well you gotta prove it now!

Mikey: Okay!

Me: I'll be back!

Mikey: Where you going?

Me: To Heather's room!

Mikey: Tell Trell to meet me downstairs!

Me: Okay!

I walked out the room and walked to Heather's. I stopped at the door and knocked on it! Trell came and opened it.

Me: Mikey said meet him downstairs!

Trell: Aight!

Me: Hey guys!

Heather: Hey!

Honey: OMG! I love you guys little sisters! They're so cute!

Me: *laughs* thanks they're so grown now!

Honey: How old is she turning?

Me: 15 going on 30.

Honey:*laughs* What time is it?

Heather: 6:35

Me: And the show start at 8:00?

Honey: Yeah!

Trin: Let's watch a movie!

Me: Ooooo hold on I got popcorn!

Trin: *laughs* why do you have popcorn?

Me: Cuz I don't know? *laughs*

Heather: well you go pop the pop corn and ima pick a movie!

Honey: Im finna get dressed!

I walked out and the room and went back into my room to get the pop corn I came back to Heather's room and popped it.

Me: What are we watching?

Heather: House Party 3

Me: *gasp* This is my! favorite movie!!!

Heather: *laughs* We know Trin told us!

Me: Where's Honey?

Trin: She went to get dressed!

Me: What time is?

Heather: it's 6:40

We watched the movie! & It was now 7:32.

Honey: Where tf is Michael we are suppose too be there at 7:30!!

Me: Calm down its only 7:33 and I'm calling him now!

Honey: Sorry I'm just nervous!

Heather: It's okay you'll do good!

Me: Mikey where are y'all!

Mikey: Getting on the elevator!

Me: Okay! Well we ready we just waitin on you and Trell!

Mikey: I walking into the room now I'm finna get in the shower!

Me: Okay! *click*

Honey: Where is he!

Me: In the room about to get in the shower!

Heather: Trell should be walking in now!

Honey: OMG! We are gonna be late!!

Heather: Honey! Calm yo lil ass down! There are other people going on before y'all!

Honey: Im tryna calm down but I can't help it I'm nervous!

I ran to the bathroom and threw up!

Heather: Chey you okay?

Me: *coughing* yeah I think I ate too much popcorn!

Trin: Here take these aspirins!

I took the aspirins and layed down until it was time too go!

I got a text from Michael saying lets go!

Me: Come on y'all let's go!

At the concert!

Honey: Michael where the fuck where you?

Mikey: At sound check!

Honey: And you didn't bring me why?

Mikey: Because I need you too get dressed!

Honey: Whatever don't pull no shit like that again! If I'm gonna be performing with you then I need to be at the sound check with you then!

Mikey: You right my bad!

Me: Do y'all see my lil sisters?

Trell: Yeah they right there!

Me: Can you go get them! They not gon let us down there!

Trell: Aight I got you!

Trell came back with my Tay and Jaz!

Tay: OMG!! I feel like I'm dreaming I'm gonna cry!!

Honey: You guys are sooo cute!!

Tay & Jaz: Thank You!

Jaz: *squeals* OMG Honey Cocaine just said I was cute! I gotta tweet about this!!

Honey: *Laughs*

Jaz: Hey! You guys lied to me! Y'all said he wasn't here! Hi baby!

Trin: Surprise!! Wanna hold him?

Jaz: Yeah but I'm a little scared!

Trin: Well sit down and hold em.

Jaz: Omg he's soo little! Hi doodie! How old is he Trin?

Trin: 6 months.

Jaz: I missed out on a lot!

Trell:Honey you and Mike go on in 5!

Honey: Aight!

Trin: Yeah it's okay tho! You're here now! & you get too spend the whole night with him too!

Jaz: *gasps* really?!!

Trin: Yeah we're going out tonight for Honey's first show!

Jaz: Well turn up!! Wait! But I going to Tay's house!

Trin: Is Momma T there?

Jaz: Nah we gon be there by ourselves she not coming home til 10.

Trin: In the morning?

Jaz: Yeah!

Trin: Why y'all can't go to grandma's?

Jaz: Because I already told her I was going to Tay's and I don't want to wake her up!

Trin: Well how about Yannie take y'all home and get y'all stuff and y'all come back to the hotel cuz he's so little and you guys don't know how too watch him that long by y'all self!

Jaz: Okay!

Trin: Well they're going on stage in less than a minute so get back to your seat and meet us after the show!


After the show

Me: Honey I'm so proud of you! You did good boo!!

Honey: Thanks I had fun out there! Mike thanks bro for bringing me out there!

Mike: It's all good lil sis! I'm happy you had fun you did good!

Trin: Im so proud of you Honeyyou did soo good!!

Honey: Thanks boo!

Heather:Honey you killed it! Good job

Honey:Thanks hot yella bitch!!

Trell: You did good sis! I'm proud of you lil homie!

Honey: Thanks bro!

Honey: Thank you guys I had fun...NOW LET'S TURN UP MFS!!!! *laughs*

Jaz: Omg Honey I love you soo much!! Can I get a picture with you please!

Tay: Damn Jaz calm down you sound thirsty af boo!

Jaz: Yeah coming from the girl who said if Tyga said if Ty-

Tay: Shh!!!

Jaz: Exactly!

Honey: *laughs* Ayo Chey I fucks with yo lil sis homie she funny af yo!

Tay: *laughs* Thanks Honey!

Honey: Np! Come on Jaz let's take the picture on my phone then yours!

Jaz: Ok.

Honey: Tag my in it on insta and ima shout you out!

Jaz: *screams* ok!!

Mikey: Ay Tay!

Tay: ....

Mikey: Hello?


Jaz: Oh God! Tay?

Tay: Jaz did Tyga really just talk to me?!

Jaz: Here comes the tears in 5..4..3..2..1

Tay: *crying* Yeah?

Mikey: *laughs* Yo why you crying?

Tay: *crying* You don't understand I love you! Like seriously!!

Mikey: Aww I love you too!

Tay: *crying* This is not real! I'm soo sorry I'm sitting here crying! But I can't help it I'm in so much shock!

Mikey: It's all good!

Jaz: You lost the bet Tay!! *laughs*

Tay: *flips her off*

Jaz: *laughs* Chey said come on!

Tay: Well Ty I gotta go see you later I hope!

Mikey: Aight bye *gives her a hug*

Tay: Ty?

Jaz: Tay lets go!!

Mikey: Yeah

Tay: Nevermind

Jaz: TAY!!!

Tay: STFU!!! I'm coming damn!

Jaz: Bye we leaving!

Tay: Bye Ty!

Mikey: Bye Tay!
At the Hotel

I picked my clothes out and put my hair scarf on yes I have a hair scarf even though I'm mixed lol but I don't have time to blow dry and flat iron my hair! So I got in the shower and get out , brush my teeth and walk out. Michael grabs me and throws me on the bed!

Me: *laughs* Mikey!! I gotta get dressed!

Mikey: So?

Me: So we can save this for later!

I give him a quick peck but of course he has to go the extra mile and deepens the kiss!

Me:*laughs* okay!! Stop we gotta get dressed! See I bet that's Heather callin me now!

Michael gets off of me and pushes me over I get up to answer my phone!

Me: *laughs* Michael ima fuck you up if you every push me like that again! Hello?

Heather: Are you dressed?

Me: Im getting dressed now!

Heather: I swear you slow af! Is Michael dressed?

Me: Yeah.

Heather: Well hurry up and then come over here!

Me: I gotta do my hair and make up!

Heather: Okay well do yo hair now and get dressed and do your make up over here! *clicks*

Me: Aight. *clicks*

Mikey: You finna go over there?

Me: No. They can wait!

I got my clothes and shoes on and I went to the bathroom too curl my hair and make up! After I was done I left out the bathroom and went to go change purses!

Mikey: Damn babe you look good af!

Me: Thanks baby! Can you get the do-

I ran to the bathroom and threw up! Idk what's going on with me this is like the 5th time I done threw up!

Mikey: Babe you ok?

Me: Yeah. Who was at the door?

Mikey: Tay.

Me: Ok.

I flushed the toilet and brushed my teeth and I walked out the bathroom.

Me: Wassup Tay?

Tay: Nothing they told me to come over here and see what you were doing!

Me: Uh okay?! Lets go so they can stop calling me!

Heather: Oooo bitch you look good enough too take home!

Me: *laughs* Thanks and see you was finna yell at me!

Heather: I was cuz bitch you was taking to long!

Me: My bad! Where Honey?

Heather: She went back to her room real quick!

Me: Oh. Hi booty!! What ya doing? Say turn up? Mmm gimme kiss! Trin you finally getting out tonight! It's yo first time out since you had booty!

Trin: Ik!!!

Me: What time we coming back?

Heather: like around 3-4.

Trin: Well I'm coming back at 2.

Heather: Why? The turn up dont start until about 2.

Trin: Cause Jaz and Tay is watching my baby and they've never been experienced with a bay before well atleast by themselves.

Heather: How old are y'all?

Tay: 14.

Heather: Yeah they old enough too watch him for the whole night!

Trin: I'll stay until 3 and that's it!

Heather: Aight! I guess that will do!

Honey: IT'S HONEY MFS!!! *laughs* Yo who is the bad bitch in the black right there? Where y'all find her at?

Heather: In the lobby! She wanted too turn up and ain't have nobody to turn up with so I told her to come with us!

Honey: Oh yeah! I'm finna put her on with Mike. But we can't tell Chey!

Heather: Shit ill put him on my damn self and you know I ain't even like that matter of fact let me go get him. Ayo Mike.

Mikey: Wassup?

Heather: Have you seem the bad bitch we just picked up?

Mike: Yeah what about her.

Heather: Get her! I won't tell Chey!

Mike: Oh yeah I'm on those. Fasho good looking out Heather!

Michael started kissing me and rubbing all over my ass. I had to stop before things got too serious!

Me: *laughs* Baby stop!! My sisters are in here!

Mikey: Oh yeah I forgot! Don't have sex until your married!

Tay: Y'all ain't married and ik y'all be having sex so don't try to school me on some shit I already know!

Everybody just sat there shocked af!

Me: Taylor? Wtf?!!

Tay: Im sorry that came out wrong!

Mikey: *laughs* It's all good!


Trell: Damn Mike! She just got at you bro!

Mike: Mann!

Honey: Yo Chey yo sister is funny af bro!!

Me: She a hot ass mess! Now let's go before I go in my room and rape Michael! *laughs*

Heather: Honey Chey caught a cold case of D2B.

Me: D2B? Tf is that?!

Honey&Heather: Dick 2 Bomb!

Everybody started laughing!

At the club!

When we got there the club was packed af! We was still too young to be in there but shit we didn't look like it so fuck it! The hours went pass and I was hella drunk!!

Trin: Let's go dance!

Me: Whaat?! Trin wanna dance?! Turn up!! Come on Honey and Heather!

We was all having fun and dancing! Until Panoramic by Dmac,Sage the Gemini and Show Banga came on! So dude came behind Trin and she started dancing with him. I never seen this side of Trin before! Then that YG song Sprung came on and I had to dance! So we went back up to VIP and what a big surprise YG was up there! I can tell Honey was really feeling him because when she seen him she lit up like fireworks! And he did the same. But enough of them where Michael at so I can get him sprung off this!
I walked over too Michael and sat on his lap and started grinding on him and basically giving him a lap dance plus more I can tell he was enjoying it cuz his d*ck started to get hard. I danced with him til the song went off then I got up too look for Trin. When I found her I seem that she was with the boy she was dancing with. As I got closer I noticed it was Rakim or should I say A$AP.

Me: Wassup Rakim!

Rakim: Wassup! Where you been? I ain't seen you in since 11th grade!

Me: Ik! Cuz you left and went back to NY!

Rakim: Man! How's life?

Me: Shit! You tell me my boyfriend is one of the best rappers in the game! My bestfriend have me a handsome godson! & I got my bestfriends around me all the time! Life's been good! What about you?

Rakim: Uh I'm in A$AP Mob I'm a rapper! I'm single and living life to the fullest!

Me: What happened to Leah?

Rakim: That bitch tried to play me! & she was smashing one of my closest friends!

Me: Damn...She was my bestfriend and she just turned on all of us well except J but that was the only one that was putting up with her bullshit!

Rakim: Yeah ik what you mean ! But enough about her! Wassup why y'all here?

Me: Honey had her first show today! So we celebrating!

Rakim: Oh. Thats wassup!

Me: Well let me let y'all get back to y'all conversation I just stopped by too say wassup!

Rakim: Aight then Cheyenné

Me: Bye Rakim!

I left them and went to the bathroom. I felt the urge to throw up again! I think this liquor getting too me it's already 4:13 a.m. And I wanna go! I threw up the flushed the toilet! I came out and washed my hands and my mouth out and pulled out a piece of gum and walked out back up to VIP.

Me: Babe I'm ready to go!

Mikey: Aight! Lets tell everybody bye and then we can go.

Me: Okay!

We told everybody that came out and supported Honey bye then we all left. And headed back to the hotel.

Jaz POV:

Tay: When are you gonna tell Trin about grandma?

Jaz: Well I was gonna tell her today but it was her first time being out since she had Kaiden and I wanted her too have fun! But idk when I should tell her!

Tay: Well you have too tell her soon

Jaz: Ik Tay but I really hope my grandma pulls threw you and her are all I got! *crying*

Tay: It's gone be okay Jaz she gon fight threw this!

Jaz: But Trin is gonna be soo hurt! *crying*

Tay: Well the best thing I can tell you is pray! & you gotta tell Trin tomorrow!

Trin: Tell me what?

What do you think happened to their grandma?

What do you think about Honey & YG?



✌😜✌ __tygaaa

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