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Cheyenne POV:

I woke this morning and got out of August's bed I hopped in the shower and but my clothes. I wrote August a note telling him that I'll be back later. I got in my car and drove home. I went into the house and I seen Kaiden downstairs playing with his toys.

Me: Hi baby!! (kisses his cheek)

Kaiden: Hi TeeTee Yannie!

Me: What you doing?

Kaiden: My watchin Jake and The Nedderland Pirates 

Me: Oh is your Uncle Ty here?

Kaiden: My dont know!

Me: Okay!

I went upstairs to our room and sure enough Tyga was here uggggh!! I went into my drawer and got out some panties and bra. I went into the bathroom and took another shower I lotioned my body up while I was in there, I walked out with a towel wrapped around my body and I went into the closet too find something too wear. I decided too put on some grey sweats, white half shirt my pb&j kds and I grabbed some extra clothes for the next couple of days. I packed my bag sat it by the door. I went back in the bathroom too brush my teeth Tyga was peeing  when I walked in no I really dont give a fuck I need too hurry up and leave.

Michael: You couldnt wait till I was done.

Me: ......

I packed my tooth brush and all my hair stuff, soap etc. I was about too walk out too go too MiKhai's room but Tyga stopped me!

Me: Michael what?

Michael: Cheyenne how many times do you want me too say it?! I told you I'm sorry! 

Me: Michael I hear you but I dont feel like you mean it! You can say sorry so many times but thats not whats gonna bring me back! You have too earn me back! Do you realized how fuckin hurtful that shit is? I respect you for telling me but I feel like yall shouldve told me sooner! I still wouldve been the way I am now but  I adventually wouldve moved passed it! Yall both sat in my face like nothing was wrong and just now decide too tell me! That shit hurt  Michael. Look I'm leaving and Idk when I'll be back but i'll bring Khai by tomorrow and I'll pick her up Sunday!

Michael: Well where are you gonna be staying?

As I was walking out the room with Tyga on my heels Trin came out her room at the moment I wanted too run up and whoop her mf'n ass but I just told myself too be the bigger person and ignore her! 

Trin: (crying) Cheyenne I'm really sorry!! Can you please forgive me?! 

Me: Trin stop the waterworks! I dont give a fuck about you crying Im not finna forgive just cuz you crying either I should whoop yo ass but I'm not because I dont have the energy right now!

By now I was in MiKhai's room getting all of her clothes and stuff I need too go get because my boobs ffelt like they where about too explode! I packed her things and pushed past her and Michael and got my bag and walked towards the door. 

Michael: Cheyenne where you going?

Me: Too my bestfriends!

MIchael POV:

Me: Who tf is her bestfriend?

Trin: (low sniffles) August!

Me: August? Alsina?! When they become bestfriends?

Trin: Yeah! look Ty I really dont wanna talk about Cheyenne having another bestfriend so Im just gonna go in my room!

You Said You Wouldn't Hurt Me! (Tyga Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now