The Day That Changed My Life.

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Trinitee POV:

So every since that night happen. I've been kind of distancing myself from everybody. I still talk to Cheyenne, everytime I see her I just wanna break down and cry so she can tell me everything is gonna be okay. She is truly my bestfriend that's why its hard for me too keep this secret from her. I told my mom what happened of course her she went out with a fight. But he lied to his dad and his dad told my mom some shit she wanted to believe. So he's still staying with us. Everyday after school I sit in my room and cry. I have people to talk too I just choose not too because I'm so scared. Today I have a doctor's appointment because I haven't gotten my period in 3 weeks. It never really fazed me because I was so depressed. But now it's kind of worrying me since I've been throwing up alot but I also haven't been eating so I figured it was because of that. But today I made the day that I was gonna tell Cheyenne what happened.


Me: Can u take me to the doctor .?

Cheyenne POV:

I've been noticing lately Trin's been acting a little weird. But now I'm really getting worried for the past 3 weeks she's been throwing up alot. I asked her what was up and she just told me it was nothing too worry about and she's on this little diet. Funny thing is she eats alot! Me and Michael where just chilling playing the game until I got a text message.

From: Trin

Trin: Can u take me to the doctor .?

Me: Yeah! you okay?!!

Trin: Yeah. I'm fine I just need too see whats up with this new diet I'm on.

Me: Mmmmhmm... 

Trin: What?!

Me: Nothing! Bee rdy in 10.

Trin: K

I got up and went to use the bathroom before I went and got Trin. After I went into the guess room to put some clothes on. Don't get it wrong! I was not naked I had on a sports bra and Michael big ass basketball short. Anyways I went into my bag and got some grey Hollister sweats with the matching coat and my grap Jordan 5s. i walked out grabbing my phone. Letting Michael know I'll be back.

Cheyenne: I'll be back in a minute.

Michael: Where you going looking like a big ashy pole.

Cheyenne: ahahaha! fuck you!

Michael: Not right now since you leaving but what about when you get back? & You now its hot as hell outside right?

Cheyenne: Boy Please! You gotta prove to me you deserve this! & I'll be alright

Michael: I am! I haven't cheated on you since we've been together.

Michael does have a point but he still gotta wait.

Cheyenne: We'll see. My birthday is in a month so I'll take it into consideration.

Michael: Ugggh! Mann you killing me! 

Cheyenne: *laughs* You'll live!

Michael: Okay! I guess. 

Cheyenne: *laughs* Bye!

Michael: Where you going?

Cheyenne: To MMB!

Michael: MMB? 

Cheyenne: Yeah! Mind my business!

Michael: *smacks lips* 

Cheyenne: *laughs* You hella mad! Oh yeah Michael don't lock the door! I'll be back in like 30 minutes.

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