Let's Keep It That Way!

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Cheyenne POV:

Me: I just wanna see  something this doesnt mean anything!

August: Okay go ahead!

I kissed August and at first he was heistant but he adventually kissed back! I asked for entrance and he next thing you know we were having a full on make out session! I feel bad because I'm wit Michael but then again I'm not because he hurt me and  just wanna feel loved if that make since (AN: It doesn't lol) I pulled back and looked at August and walked away checking on Khai! 

I walked back into August's room.

August: And what point was you trying too get across?

Me: I just wanted too see if there was a connection but it wasnt!

August: Mmm..

Me: Why you say it like that?

August: Look Chey ima be totally honest with you! You're fine as hell but you're my bestfriend AND you're in a relationship with one of my homies plus you have a child with him.

Me: So what are you saying?

August: I'm saying stop kissing me because you're gonna start leading me on sooner or later and I will start feeling some type of way and ima make you not wanna go home!

Me: Uhh August are you saying what i think your saying?

August: Well if you think I'm saying that i'll fuck you so good that you won't wanna go home then yes!

Me: (bites lip) Mmm..

August: See Chey lil shit like that gotta stop too! YOU! CHEYENNE DENISE JOHNSON! is my bestfriend and you can't be biting yo lip at me and kissing me and flirtiing wit me okay?!

Me: Okay! I wont kiss you and bite my lip at you anymore but the flirting part is gona be hard! Sorry Aug you're just too damn fine. 

August: Blame my parents!

August POV:

I wasn't trying too be mean to Chey but I had too let her know because I will starting getting lead on and start to feel some type of way! 

Me: Chey!

Cheyenne: Hmm?

Me: You gotta talk too Mike & Trin sooner or later you know that right?

Cheyenne: (sigh) Yeah I was going over there tomorrow when I dropped Khai off!

Me: Okay!

Cheyenne POV:

I was giving Khai a bath about to take her out when my started breathing heavy and my chest started hurting! I ignored it and continued to wash Khai up 5 minutes later I took her out lotioned her up and get her dressed! My chest was still hurting so I starting feeding Khai and after I burped her and tried putting her too sleep, my chest was know in alot of payne and I could barely breath I tried calling for August but he was all the way downstairs so he couldnt hear me! I just prayed that this would be over soon and August could help me! After that everything went black and I knew I had passed out!


OH NO!! What happened too Chey? 

PART 2 NEXT...The DRAMA begins!







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