Michael and Cheyenné

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Cheyenné POV:

When we arrived to his house I parked my car and got out. When I got out I didn't know whether or not to be shocked or scared? This nigga house is hella big! I ain't never seen no shit like this before! I wonder Wtf his mom and dad do for a living because this nigga is living large! We walk up his driveway to the front door and inside the house! It was so beautiful his mom got taste.

Cheyenné: Omfg! Your house is beautiful Mikey this must cost a fortune!

Michael: *laughs*

Cheyenné: What's so funny?

Michael: This isn't my house!

Cheyenné: It's not?!

Michael: No

Cheyenné: Then who house is this?

Michael: Somebody I've been plotting on! We're finna rob this house! Me and you!

This nigga must be outta his rabbit ass mine! Tf?!!!

Cheyenné: Nigga what?! The devil is a lie!


Cheyenné: Michael this isn't funny!

Michael: Come on before they get back!

Cheyenné: Nigga no! Matter of fact idk why I'm still here having this conversation with you! I'm leaving! Bye Michael!

Michael: Wait! Don't go! I'm just fucking with you! *laughs* look he's a baby picture of me!

Cheyenné: Aww you where a cute baby!

Michael: Ik and thank you!

Cheyenné: Im still mad at you! Don't scare me like that!

Michael: I'm sorry!! *laughs* you should've see yo face!!!

Cheyenné: -_____-

Michael: I'm finna get some clothes then we can go to my house!

Cheyenné: Wait! I thought this was your house!?!

Michael: No! This is my grandparents house!

Cheyenné: Wow! Do they still live here?

Michael: Yeah! But they're in Hawaii! I stay here from time to time but that's it!

Cheyenné: Wow! Well are you ready to go?

Michael: Yeah let's go!

Me and Michael got in our cars and I followed him to his house. When we got there it was something like mine but bigger! I parked my car, got out and we walked to the door, and inside the house.

Cheyenné: Now you sure this is this your house?

Michael: *laughs* Yes! Calm down.

Cheyenné: Okay I'm just making sure!

Michael: You hungry!

Cheyenné: Yeah!

Michael: What do you want?

Cheyenné: Idk surprise me!

Michael: Fasho!

While Michael was cooking. I decided I was gonna text Trin and see what she was doing!


Me: Hey Trin!

Trin😘: Hey Yannie!!

Me: What you doing?

Trin😘: Eating Ice cream and watching all the Friday's with Joshua!

Me: Oh okay!! So that's your bestfriend now?!

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