I'm Done!

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August POV:

I really need too pull myself together and stop comin on to Cheyenne like that! But I cant help it the girl is fine! & Tyga aint right for her but thats bro so ima back off and keep it on a friend type level!

Cheyenne POV:

I think I'm starting too like August! That kiss gave me life! I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place! (sighs) I gotta talk too Trin about this one!

I got up and left out of Michael's room into Trin's!

Me: Trin!

Trin: Yes yannie!

Me: We need too talk!

Trin: About?

Me: Michael and August!

Trin: Okay what about them?

Me: Okay so you know how me and August are really close right?

Trin: Mmhmm

Me: Well last night he kissed me!

Trin: (gasp) Swear!

Me: Yeah and I liked it!

Trin: Aww shit Chey please dont tell me you fallin for him!

Me: I think I am!

Trin: Biiiitch! Michael gon kick yo ass!

Me: Ik thats why he cant know and I honestly do love Michael but I dont think he feels the same towards me!

Trin: Well thats something yall need too talk about!

Me: He doesnt care it goes thru one ear and out the other!

Trin: Well thats why you gotta make a mental note in his head and let em know wtf is up and at the end of it all and he still doesn't care I hate too say it but let that nigga go!

Me: I hear what you sayin thanks Trin!

Trin: You welcome boo!

Me: Where's Kaiden?

Trin: With August!

Me: Ok ima go get him! Again thanks Trin!

Trin: No problem boo!

I left out of Trin's room and into August's

Me: Hey August! Hi baby!!

August: Wassup!

Kaiden: TeeTee Yannie!!

August: Hey Chey can I talk too you!

Me: Yeah wassup!

August: Umm..about lastnight! I'm sorry I was way out of line and I promise I won't do it again!

Me: August I appreciate the apology but really its okay I actually enjoyed it!

August: You-You did?

Me: Yeah!

August: Look tbh I did too but I honestly think we should just keep this on a friend type level!

I dont know what came over me but I kissed August!

August: Did you hear anything I said?

Me: I heard you but I don't know what came over me I'm sorry August! Look i'll leave!

August: Nah you aint gotta leave look Chey you makin this real hard for me amd I know Mike is getting suspecious so please stop!

Me: Okay! I understand I'm sorry August! Can I have a hug?

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