So What Are We Now?

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August POV:

Last night I made love too Chey and too say I don't have feelings for her is a lie! This girl is really special too me and I wanna make her mine! I just don't know if she feels the same way towards me! I got up before her which is total weird I must've really put it down! I went downstairs too make breakfast something I usually don't do! & speaking of shit I usually don't do Chey ass lucky I like her cuz I don't go around eating everybody box! Anyways I made us French Toast because I know its her favorite, sausage, eggs and grits! I made everything she likes! I poured her a glass of orange juice and brought it too her!

Me: Chey!

Chey: Hmm..

Me: Wake up fool!

Chey: *gasps* Aww August you made me breakfast!! & they're all my favorites!!

Me: *chuckles* Yeah!

Chey: Thanks!

Me: You welcome ma!

We started eating and of course I finished before her slow eating ass!

Chey POV:

That's so sweet August made me breakfast and all my favorites! I really do like August and last night was wonderful! Too bad me and Trin are not fully on good terms because I would've told her that I have feelings after the night we just shared! I would love too be more than August bestfriend I just don't think he feels the same way!

Me: Umm..August?

August: Hmm?

Me: So what are we now?

August: To be honest with you Chey I've been crushing on you since I seen you in Round Table in a both by yoself crying! Then when we got close I started liking you even more but I hid my feelings only because you was dating Mike and you looked at me like a bestfriend so I held all that back and was being a friend too you! I really want you too be my girl but I aint no if you felt the same way!

Wow I never knee August felt that way!

Me: August..I never knew you felt that way and of course I wanna be yo girl who wouldn't you're sweet,charming,terrific in bed but I just need too know that you not gon hurt me in any way whether its physically or verbally!

August: I promise not too hurt you physically as in put my hands on you but I can't promise you both because mfs fuck up you gotta understand that I'm human too so I am gonna make a few mistakes in my life but we just gon have too work on that!

Me: Okay! Thats all I wanted too hear! Atleast you'll try!

August: So are you my baby or nah?

Me: *giggles* Yes August I'm your baby!

I leaned over and kissed him which turned into us fucking! Lol I can't help it he's so addicting!


#TeamAugust&Chey? Yay or Nay

or do yall prefer her too be with Michael?





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