Rensena at Seirin

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Yesterday Tetsu and I went shopping for everything I would need and a few things that maybe wasn't very needed, but I still wanted them. Today was my first day at Seirin and I am sooooo exited. All the classes are going to be easy but I think I will have fun. I haven't gone to school in a little while so it will be interesting.

I got up at 5:30AM so that I could take a short run and make breakfast and our lunches. for breakfast I made strawberry crapes for me and vanilla crapes for Tetsu. Then I made our lunches which consisted of a bento boxes. I of course made them super healthy but also really yummy.

When I was finishing up the bento boxes Tetsu walked in at 7:00am with horridle bed head. "You made breakfast and lunch?" He asked rubbing his head. "Yep! We have crapes for breakfast, I know there not healthy but its a special day so I wanted to make them. And for lunch I made my traditional bento boxes! Come on over and eat quickly so you can get dressed." I said then he sat down at our dinning table and we started to eat.  

We ate quickly so we would have time to walk to school. I ran to my room and put on my Seirin uniform that we picked up yesterday while we were shopping and I let my hair just fall in its natural waves at my waist.

After we both were ready we headed out the door and started walking to school. Seirin started at 8:00am and if we were late we would get detention. "We left the house at 7:20 and it takes 20 minutes to get to school so we will arrive at 7:40. Then I will need at least 10 minutes in the front office so I will be in class at 7:50 with 10 minutes to spare!" I told Tetsu who didn't look very interested in my scheduling. 'Hmm' was all the reply I got but I didn't mind. It had always been like that, I would talk and he would give short answers.

As we neared the school I saw other people in the Seirin uniforms and I got exited. "Tetsu! Tetsu! We are almost there!" I exclaimed hanging onto his arm. He just looked at me and gave me a faint smile. As we entered the gates Tetsu told me he would show me to the main office to pick up my schedule. We enter the big school building and walked down a few halls and I noticed that many people were starring at me. "Tetsu there all starring at me..." I whispered to him as we turned a corner. "I believe they are doing that because you are very pretty, you should be used to it." He whispered back in his flat tone of voice. "I may be used to it but it still feels weird." I grumbled back.

After tetsu dropped me of at the office he went to his own class and I got my schedule. I was in class 1-A, which was apparently the highest level class they had. I walked down a hall looking at my schedule and probably looking very confused since I had some how managed to get lost. "Oh no. I'm going to be late!" I whispered/exclaimed looking around. "How did this happen? I was just at the front office?" I wondered as I started to walk again. Then I suddenly knocked into something and was knocked to the ground. "Ouch!" I yelled as I shook my head to clear it. I then looked up to see what or I should say who I knocked into. The person I knocked into was about 5'10, had light brown hair, and had glasses. "I'm so sorry! Are you alright?" the strange teen asked me as he reached out his hand to pull me up. "Yes, i'm alright. it scared me more than hurt." I replied back with a smile. "oh, that's good..." He said with a faint blush. "What's your name? and are you lost? I do don't think I have seen you hear before." The man asked. "My name is Rensena Kuroko, but please call me Rensena or Ren. I don't like being called by my last name. and yes I am new and I can't find my class and I think i'm lost." I sided as I looked down in embarrassment. "Rensena, I can take you to your class. oh and my name in Junpei Hyuga. What class are you in?" Hyuga asked me smiling. "Thank you! i'm in class 1-A."I said. "It's right over here." hyuga said as he lead me to my new classroom.

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