Me A Model?

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It's been 2 weeks since I came to Seirin and It's been an interesting 2 weeks. I have been asked by every club to join them but I still haven't decided on which one to join yet. I also haven't seen much of Tetsu since he has been in a training thing that Riko-san made the team go to. It sounded painful. I am at the top of all my classes and I have made lots of friends, but Yun and Ella are the closest.

Today is Sunday so I decided to go to the mall and look around. I walk into a designer shop and start looking around when my eyes land on a beautiful dress so I rushed over and grabbed it and went to the dressing room. It was a light golden color and went down to right above my knees. It hugged my chest and torso then cascaded out in shiny folds. I walked out of the dressing room to look in one of the floor to ceiling mirrors. While I was looking at myself I heard someone gasp. "My god your an exquisite masterpiece!" I turned to the voice and saw it was a woman about 30ish and she was starring right at me. "E-excuse me?" I asked seriously confused at her remark. "I'm sorry darling you are just so beautiful, also my name is Stella Lolang and I the designer of that dress you are wearing. I have never seen any one wear it as wonderfully as you!" The woman named Stella exclaimed. "Thank you?" I responded shyly. "Are you a model? If you aren't you should be my young girl. What's your name?" Stella asked stepping closer. "My name is Rensena and no... i'm not a model." I told her. "Hmm, heres my card please call me anytime night or day sweetheart and you can have the dress for free!" Stella yelled. "Did you hear that Rino? The dress is free to this girl." Stella said then her phone buzzed and she walked away.

I changed back into my normal clothes and went back to the front to get the dress. As I was pulling out my card to pay for it I was stopped. "Miss Stella said you can have the dress for free why are you getting out your card?" The cashier who must have been Rino the person Stella yelled to told me. "Oh, well I cant just take the dress, it isn't right." I answered Rino. "Please, If Miss Stella said you can have the dress than you can have the dress." Rino smiled at me then she took the dress and packed it into a bag for me.

I shopped for 2 more hours after the encounter with Stella and all the while thought about what she sadi about me being a model and to call her. I would have to talk to Tetsu about it all. I called a taxi and it was only a 15 minute drive back to the house and Tetsu was supposed to come home today from his training today so I was going to make a yummy dinner.

Once I was done with dinner I went over to the tv and started to watch the news. Apparently some big time model named Kise Ryouta was going to model for some big time designer. I blocked most of it out as I started to fall asleep. Before I new it someone was saying I needed to get up. "Five more minutes." I complained still with my eyes closed. "but I'm hungry and it smells really good in here." I heard Tetsu's voice say. "OK then." I grumbled as I got up, gave him a hug, then got dinner on 2 plates.

As we sat down I decided to tell him about what happened today at the mall. "So I went to the mall today for some shopping and when I was in one of my favorite stores trying on a dress a woman came up to me and said she was the designer of the dress and she said that I should be a model, then she gave me her biasness card." I said and Tetsu looked at me. "Are you going to call her?" He asked in his melancholy voice. "I don't know, I could be fun. I've never modeled before so it could be nice to try something new... What do you think?" I asked him. "I know a model and he has lots of fangirls, so would you have fanboys?" Tetsu answered. I looked at him and said "That's all you have to say? Really? Fanboys?" "Its a real risk. they can be very crazy." He replied nodding his head. "You know I think I will call her." I stated and then cleared my plate and went to my room to call Stella.

"Hello? This is Rensena Kuroko and I was the person from the mall? I was calling to say that I think I will try it out. I mean modeling." I said after I found the card Stella gave me and dialed the number. "Aw, yes! Rensena. So I have a shoot next Wednesday so if we can meet on Monday to talk that would be great! WE could start shooting with you on my Wednesday shoot. FYI I will have another model there too. Is that alright?" Stella replied with what I new was a smile on her face. "That's fine, it will be fun and I can learn from them!" I said then Stella hung up the phone and I got ready for bed, all the while I had a giant smile on my face.


Sorry I haven't updated in a while

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