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It's been 3 days since I left the Seijuro household and 2 days since Hisashi and I came to Italy. I've gone through many feelings in these last few day: anger, sadness, regret, but also good emotions like happiness, joy, and the feeling of freedom. I also have talked to Tetsu and Daiki everyday and from what I gathered they are becoming pretty serious. I always new that Tetsu was gay, even from a very small age. It's probably to do with the triplet mind reading abilities, even though my oldest brother doesn't like me I can always now what he is thinking. Maybe that's why it hurt so much when he kicked me out. I was to smart, to perfect for him but I don't feel perfect. I'm to short, can have a temper, and I'm to forward with things sometimes... I miss Takashi so much thought, yes he could be mean and nasty but he is my brother.

Well, anyway today is going to be the first day of our modeling shoot. We will be starting out at the beach then moving to the pool later. I will also meet Nagisa, the other model, for the first time today which I am very excited about because he is a very well known model in Germany.

As I through on a simple 2 piece suit and a blue coverup up I headed out of my hotel room and down to the lobby where I was told to meet everyone. We were supposed to meet at 8:30 but I got there at 8:15 so there wasn't anyone else there. As I hadn't eaten any breakfast I I graded an apple from the dinning area which had complementary food and sat down in one of the many black leather chairs to wait for everyone.

The crew started to come down in various states of sleep deprivation. I finally got up when I saw Stella walk out of the elevator looking like she hadn't slept a wink and and to throw away my apple core. I smiled at her as I walked closer but she didn't return it.

"Good mor- I was interrupted by Stella's hand going up into my face, "Do not talk to me until I have had my coffee, or I will tear your head off." I shuttered at that and then left her to go over to some of the new stylists who had come with Nagisa, who by the way was still not here at 8:34. Nagisa had 3 stylist just like me but these stylist had been in the business way longer than mine.

As I stopped to chat with them I noticed Hisashi come into the lobby. He waved to me and gestured to the food and I laughed. Over the last three days I had really gotten to know my new boyfriend. Every morning he would go straight to wherever the food was and get a hazelnut coffee and waffles. I had also been out on another date but it didnt go to well because we got lost. I didn't really mind because u got to spend more time with him but he felt really bad.

"Hello, my name is Kuroko Rensena! I'm a new model and will be working with Nagisa-Sendai and Hisashi." I asked the three stylist, 2 of which were girls and the third a male.

"Hello Renãsenã, I am Adoniã Recãlo. I not speak this languãge well so forgive if I do not speak well." A dark skinned women who looked to be in her 30s said with a sweet smile. She had very wary short hair and was wearing a simple pair of jeans and dark blue shoulder shirt but her eyes that looked like caramel looked so kind I felt very safe with her.

"Yes. Adoniã isn't the best talker but she sure as hell an amazing hair stylist! I'm Ajibana Aina, I'm on makeup." The nest women who looked to be in her mid 20s and was definitely Japanese. She had shoulder length black hair with the tips died a bright red and she was wearing a white tank top and jean shorts.

"I'm Idane Moto. I'm obviously on clothes." The only male said with indifference. He seemed to be the same age as Ajibana-San and had dark brown hair and was wearing jeans and a white v-neck shirt.

"So hoe long have you been working with Nagisa-San?" I asked looking at all three. Idane looked like he wasn't paying attention and Adoniã-San looked to be lost with my words so Ajibana spoke for all of them.

"Well I have been with him for 2 years now and Moto here was been with him since Nagisa-San was first starting out so... 5 years! And miss Adonia has been with us for only 9 month but is a true star at styling hair! If you even need your hair done for a date or something she's your girl!" Ajibana explained looking very happy.

We talked for a good 5 minutes, ok well Ajibana and I talked while Idane looked at his phone and Adonia tried to follow along putting in some comments here and there, until Stella and Hisashi come over. Hisashi smiled down at me and put his strong muscled arm over my shoulder.

"I see you are getting along." Hisashi stated smiling with his dazzling white teeth.

"Yep! Adonia here is from Spain but has traveled all over the world and Ajibana-San went to school in America. There pretty cool." I informed my fabulous boyfriend who I was still not so sure how I actually got him to be my boyfriend.

Stella was getting pretty annoyed that Nagisa wasn't here yet and it was already 8:56. She was practically threatening to rip his man parts out if he didn't get here soon. Thankfully he showed  up but just in time. Nagisa looked to be around 6" with dark green hair and black eyes. He had on a pair of blue swim trunks and no shirt, he was revealing his 6 pack. All in all he was very attractive.

"You young man are in so much trouble! But thankfully for you we don't have time for your punishment because we have a schedule. So, this is Kuroko Rensena and Fujimoto Hisashi, now that we now each other lets go children!" Stella basically yelled, and had other guest look at her as she ushered out large group outside and into 2 large, black fancy cars. I was in a car with my stylist, Hisashi, and his stylists. I wasn't complaining.

It took us around 25 minutes to get to the private beach that we were to use but it was worth the wait because oh my god was it gorgeous. Crystal white sand, clear blue water, and a azure sky made this one view make the whole trip because a thousand times better. The camera crew set up there equipment and we started our beach clothes and summer fun shooting session.

Omg I haven't updated in forever and I'm so sorry! But I have had writers block but I did get this chapter out! Thanks for all the likes and comments, I literally never imagined having 11k views on my story! Like that is crazy! Remember I don't own any KNB characters only my OCs. Thanks, until next time my fabulous readers!

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