The Reunion of the Miracles

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*No Ones POV*

A whistle sounded then splashes ran throughout the long building. Cheers could be heard from outside the building and as the first swimmer touched the other wall a even louder cheer erupted from the large crowds.  

The winning swimmer swung herself up from the aqua waters and once she was up she took of her cap and goggles letting her hip length hair cascade down. Some of the beautiful girls team mates ran up to her and gave her a group hug. Her friends shouted things like 'You were amazing Ren!' 'You're the best on the team' 'How can you be so good at every stroke?' and even 'RENSENA WILL YOU BE MY GIRLFRIEND?!' that ended with the said person getting pushed into the pool by one of the other boys who were smitten with the beautiful girl.

The announcer started to speak and all heads turned to the announcer booth. "With that race being the final of the day and the points added up, I have the results of who will be proceeding to the Country Finals! Are you all ready to hear who won?" A cheer was screamed hurting many sensitive ears "Well the winners of the meat today was..."

*Rensena's POV*

I held my breath while holding one of my team mates as the announcer announced the placing of who would be going to the Country Finals.

Then to my, and my teams, relieve the announcer called out "Seirin!" We all screamed in joy and hugged each other. We had been working on getting to this point for such a long time, really only a few weeks.

Our swim couch walked over to me and pulled me over to the side of the bleacher then asked me "Rensena you did wonderfully. I want to put you in the Country Finals if you are up for it?"

I of course said 'Yes' then politely told her I had to leave because I had a modeling gig to get to and I didn't want to be late.

*Outside the pool*

It was getting warmer outside because it was getting into March but it is still really cold when you had wet hair. So when the black Ferrari pulled up I rushed up and climbed into the leather seated car.

"Ryota, what took you so long? I was freezing out there!" I yelled at the golden blonde man with yellow eyes driving the car.

"Sorry Ren-chi I was held up at basketball!" He replied with a giant smile that could light up NY city.

"Aw whatever, we need to go or we will be late. But don't speed we don't need another speeding ticket." Ryota was late to pick me up a week or so ago and he was speeding to get and ended up getting a speeding ticket. In the end we were EVERY late for our shoot.

Over the last few weeks I have shot many different types of modeling gigs and I am really enjoying it. Ryota and I have done many shoots together and we have become quite good friends. He has told me a lot about the Generation of Miracles and all they can do.

He started the car and he drove off with a few stares from students that realized who Ryota was. Even some started to yell his name, gathering more onlookers. Did I hear my name being shouted too? No that can't be right, I am not that well known yet.

As we were driving my blonde friends phone started to buzz.


"Can you answer that for me?" Kise asked me and I picked it up.

"Hello?" I asked the person in the other side of the phone.

"Who is this, you are not Ryota..." Was the answer on the other end. It sounded like a teenage man on the other end but I wasn't sure.

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