Dinner and a splash

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I was so nicely warm in my big soft bed that when I heard a knocking at the door I didn't want to get up... But I did, so I grumbled over to the door thinking it was Tetsu but when I opened it there were 2 girls in maid uniforms holding dresses.

"Hello, lady Kuroko. We are here to help you get ready for dinner and we are also your personal assistance while you stay in this residence." One with blonde hair said as they both came into my room and one started to make my bed while the other placed the dresses on the empty coffee table.

"Oh, ummm thank you but I'm  not really sure I need personal assistants..." I said as I watched the first girl this blonde hair start go through the dresses.

"Young Master Akashi said you must have us, he want everyone to look there best while they stay with him and you are no exception. No offence my lady. Oh my! I forgot I never gave you our names! Well my name is Annie and my sister over there is Camille we come from America." She said with a smile. "We must get you ready for dinner today, everyone will be there."

After a few minutes of us going through the dresses we finally picked out a full length pearly silver mermaid style dress. I also had a pair of  white stilettos, a pearl necklace, and I had my hair up in a half bun. My makeup was  just a simple Smokey eye. 

"WOOW, you are sooooooo beautiful lady Kuroko!" Camille said clasping her hands together in delight. Anna nodded in agreement.

"Please could you both just call me Rensena or Ren? I don't like being called by my last name." I asked as we started to head out the door and they would lead me to the dinning room.

"I guess so... its not very proper?" Anna became slightly worried.

"It's ok, I really just want you to call me that." I said smiling and we headed down three corridors then entered a room with a long table with many people around my age on it.

I looked around and saw MOMOI!

"Momoi what are you doing here?" I asked as I rushed up to her and she got up from the table.

"I was the Generation of Miracles Manager in middle school and I will be there manager now! But what are you doing here?" She asked with her pink hair waving and her light pink ballroom dress swaying.

"I had to come here because Tetsuya had to come... Just between us I REALLY didn't want to come." I whispered to her.

We were interrupted by Akashi Seijuro. "Now that we are all here. We should get down to a few things before we can eat. Momoi, Rensena can you please sit down." He didn't really ask us to sit down. It was a demand. And we did, sit down.


"...So we will all be going to Rakuzen hight school." Akashi finished. There were many interuptions in his long speech, mostly by Ryota and Aomine.

"Well actually I am not going to be going to school. I am going to be one a swim team that does not exepted students and I am also going to be riding horses. I found a barn that I shall be going to. On top of that I have my job." I tell Akashi with no fear but everyone looked at me like I was going to die.

"What. Did. You. Say." Akashi growled at me narrowing his eyes.

"I SAID I am not going to be going to school."

"HA! I like your fire girlie!" Aomine laughed at me. I ignored him.

"How will you graduate if you don't go to school!" Momoi asked me concerned. I looked at her and then looked around the room and said. "I have already past and graduated all high school courses. I can fluently speech 5 different languages and I was offered a scholarship to all the top schools in Japan, England, Australia,  Europe, AND Harvard in America." I tell them as our dinner survers come out with dinner.

"Oh..." Momoi says shocked and everyone else looks that way also. Well excepted Tetsu, but he is my brother so he already knew.


After the initial shock of me, we had a very nice dinner. We had a traditional Japanese style dinner and it was really good!

Right now I was walking down the halls trying to find the washroom when I bump into a blonde giant.

"Ryota! Watch were you are going you big Blondie!" I laugh at him just joking around as I stare up at him.   

"Awww, Ren-chi why are you so mean?" He fake pouts at me and I laugh more.

"Where are you going?" I ask him because he is in work out clothes and he also had a basketball.

"Sei-chi has a court out back so I'm going to go practice with Aomine."

"That will be nice... Are you happy with what's going on?"

"I actually really am! I haven't been able to play like this in a long time and I love playing with them so this is a really good thing for me. Are you ok moving here?"

"I didn't really want to, but I have you, Momoi, and Tetsu so I think I will be alright. Also I get to be one a fun new swim team, I will ride horses again, and I am modeling with you so its not a bad life I have, I'm actually very very  happy."

Down the hall we heard Aomine yell at Ryota so he had to leave so I continued on my jouny to find the washroom.

I finally found it and I through all my stuff in a locker and relaxed into the warm water. Ahhhhhhh.

I was dozing of when there was a huge splash in the water and I slip into the water and almost start drowning when I come up and see  pink mass. Momoi!

"You scared me half to dealth you crazy woman!" I yell at her and cough up a little water. '

"HAHAHAHAHA! That was sooooooooo funny. Hey but I love you?" She says with a perfect white smile.

"Whatever." I mumble.

We sat in the water and talked for a while then went back to my room and talked on my bed unti it was very late and we both got super tired. She went back to her room and grabbed a pair of PJs and we back a mock sleepover in my room.

We both drifted of into a warm sleep.


Sorry it was short, and remember to comment who Ren should get together with!


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