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"So...Tired...Need...To...Sit...Down..." I gasped as I not walked more like wobbled into the apartment I shared with Rensena. I had just come back from a week of hell. I had to go on a 'training' camp to the beach so we could become stronger but it has sapped all my strength, but I would never show it had.

It was 3:00pm so Rensena should have been home by now but I didn't see or hear her. Where was she? "Ren where are you?" I meekly called out. No response.

Even though I REALLY wanted to just take a nap on the couch I felt I had an obligation as an older brother to look for my younger sister. I first checked the kitchen, then the bathroom to see if she had fallen asleep in the tub, and finally her room. Sure enough there sleeping so soundly that probably a bomb could have gone off was Ren. She looked so happy.

"Hope you had a good first day Ren." I whispered and left her room to the safety of the oh so good looking couch that was calling my name. "Tetsuya, Tetsuya come sleep on meeeeee. You are sooooo tired. Come" Yep I am hallucinating but I still flopped on the couch and as soon as I hit the softness I was asleep.

*Some time Later Ren's POV*

I woke up to the feeling of coldness and when I opened my blue eyes both my comforters had somehow gotten knocked onto the ground. 'Oh why did I have to leave me beautiful blankets?' I thought as I looked over to my alarm clock and read 4:14pm. 'Wow! Its late, I should get up and look for Tetsuya' I thought as I got out of bed and headed to the bathroom so I could take a shower and untangle the mess that was my hair.

*4:46pm after the shower still Ren's POV*

I pulled on a pair of black leggings, an oversized light green sweatshirt, and a pair of slippers that had tiny tacos on them. I side braided my hair and walked out of the still steamy bathroom. Lying on the living room couch was my not-so-talkative brother fast asleep with a tiny line of drool in the corner of my mouth. "Gross"

'What to do, what to do?' I thought as I wondered around the house looking for something to do until I had to make dinner, which would be tacos (What up slipper reference!). I walked into my room to see one of the most annoying things in a teen's life. Two words home work "uggggggg" was all that came out of me as I looked at my bag that was filled with the stuff nightmares are filled with.

"It's not like I had anything better to do anyway" I mumbled picking up my bag and heading to the dining room table.

I sat down and opened my school bag to see what I had to do for home work and it turned out I only had 3 things to do. SCORE! All I had was math, history, and phycology.

Math was a piece of cake with only doing 25 problems and they were all below my grade skills. Then history I had to read a short paper and answer some questions and finally for phycology I had to research 3 brain diseases and write 1-2 paragraph response. All in all it was very simple for me.

It was 5:00pm so I decided that it was time to wake up the lazy brother I had then make dinner. If he sleep for too long he would be able to sleep at night.

I walked over to him and starred down at his sleeping form. He looked so peaceful. Eh, he needs to wake up so I shook his shoulder and said "Time to get up sleepy head! Its 5:00 already! Also I want help with making dinner, ok?" I somewhat yelled at him. I giggled as his eyes shot open and he groaned.

"Ren, why did you have to be so forceful?" he asked as he rolled of the couch to stand up.

"I think I was much nicer than last time, don't you think?" I said with a huge smile.

"You dumped a glass of freeing cold water on me last time. You are horrible..."

"But you love me so it's ok!" I giggled and walked over to the kitchen.

"Eh, I'm not so sure now." Was what he said back in a sarcastic tone.

"How dare you! Everyone loves me! I should be the ruler of the world! Mahahahaha!!!" I laughed as I gathered the ingredients for the tacos.

He joined in laughing and we started the tacos.

Once we finished making the tacos we sat down at the table and started to dig in.

"So how was your training?" I asked as I crunched into the amazingness that was my taco.

"Id waz lofd ofz rok." Tetsu said with a mouth full of tacos. I translated it as it was a lot of work.

Tetsu swallowed "How was your first modeling day?"

"It was a lot of fun! At first I thought about going home and not even in the building, but then this other model, who I would soon find out was my modeling partner, came and told me I was going to be great and he helped me with a lot of stuff. Then he drove me home. He had a Farai just like mine back in Italy. He was really cool and I hope I can model with him again someday."

"You let him drive you home when you just met him? What was his name?"

"He was super nice and Stella seemed to like him and I thought he was a good person so I made a choice to trust him and nothing bad happened. Also his name is Kise Ryota. He said that you two were on the same basketball team in middle school?"

"Kise? Really, that's interesting."

"You're not going to say anything else about him are you?"


"Ok, well then I'm going to go and read in my room until bed. See you later." I sighed as I cleaned up my plate and deposited it in the dishwasher and went to my room.

I picked up 'Devil on my Heals' and snuggled into my bed. Then I realized that I hadn't put on my Pjs yet so I climbed out of bed and over to my dresser and grabbed a super soft shirt with a cat on it and black shorts. I pulled of all my clothes and got into my pajamas. I quickly brushed my hair and my teeth then I finally curled up on my bed with my book in hand.

When I looked at my phone again to see what time it was it said it was 9:42pm. I was about to put my phone back down a text came in.

KISE- 'Hey, it's Kise Ryota from modeling'

REN- 'Hi, Kise Ryota from modeling. I'm Rensena Kuroko from the front door.'

KISE- 'haha very funny. Are you going to be at the shoot next Saturday?'

REN- "Yes, I believe it is for a new line of clothes Stella-san is making?'


KISE- 'do you want me to pick you up and drop you of from your house? I have a Farai??'

REN- 'Sure that would be awesome and I know you have a Farai, I rode in it today. Lol'

KISE- 'LOL, really?'

REN- 'Yep! Good night I am going to bed. Talk to you later'

KISE- 'OK, good night'

I put my phone down with a smile and a giggle. I turned off the light and lay down to sleep, my head rested for 30 seconds and I was out sleeping peacefully.


OMG 3 chapters in 1 day?! That's crazy for me! Anyway I hope you all liked this chapter!

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