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Rensena's POV

As I was walking in the front door after Hisashi dropped me off after our date I heard voices coming from the kitchen so I went to see who was there. I poked my head into the kitchen and saw that everyone was there and Ryouta didn't seem to happy. 

As I fully entered the kitchen and took a seat on one of the 4 bar stools I asked, " Is everything ok...?"

"No, everything is not ok! Akashi here has just informed me that I am not going to be going on out modeling trip because apparently we have to go to America to train with someone!" This has been the only time I had heard Ryouta use such a non sarcastic or idiotic voice before.

I stood there shocked for a moment before angrily saying, "We have been planing this trip for weeks! Do you know how much money and time people have put into this?! We will not be able to go now! God you are a real piece of work you know Akashi! You think you can just do whatever you want because you think you are so high and mighty don't you? Well news flash, your not. God you are horrible!" I screamed at him because he can't just do this the DAY of the trip. I was livid. Murasakibura was standing next to me and backed away eating a chocolate pochi.

"Everything is taken care of Ren, there is no need to worry," Akashi narrowed his double colored eyes, "you will follow my instructions. There are two other male models going instead, there names are Hisashi and Nagisa." We were now having a glaring battle as the rest of our colorful haired group just stared not wanting to make a sudden move.

"I'll tell you this right now Akashi Seijuro you nor anyone else can tell me what to do AND I am not part of your team so there is absolutely no reason for me to stay in this house any longer. The ONLY reason I have been putting up with living here is because of Tetsu and he seems to be doing just fine so I am leaving! I'm not going to stay in this house one more second!!" I growled at him.

There was a chorus of "please don't go!" "You can't leave me here!" "Please stay Ren!" I was still fuming but when I looked at Tetsu I saw that he was worried for me even if others couldn't read his blank face. I could always now what he was thinking before he reacted or said something, I guess it's a triplet thing.

As I looked into Tetsu eyes, he asked, "where will you go?"

"I have a modeling trip to go to for 2 weeks and after that... Well I will either go back to Tashiki or maybe just go back to living with mom and dad. Who nows anywhere is better then living here with 'him'" I shot a glare at Akashi then left In a huff.

I walked to my room and graded my suit cases. I didn't have very much stuff so everything fit into my bags. It took me about 15 minutes but after I was done I sat on my now old bed and called Hisashi:

R: Hisashi I now he are just starting to date and this is a little sudden but can you come and pick me up? I'm leaving this house for good.

H: Of course I will come and get you! What'd wrong? Did someone do something to you? Is this about Kise not being able to go to Italy? Because if it is I can talk to Stella and I bet if we just tell her your feelings she will understand.

R: kinda. The persons house I'm staying at is named Akashi Seijuro and the only reason I'm here is because my brother was here and I thought that it would be nice living with him and some of our other friends but Akashi is always pushing other people feelings, actions, and plans away to fit his own agenda. I'm done with it and need to leave.

H: I understand. I will be there in 10 minutes. I will see you then?

R: Thanks so much. You are a life saver.

We both said bye and hung up. It was done. I was leaving this house.

Making sure I hadn't forgotten anything I looked around my room and as I was looking under my bed my door was opened.

"I don't think you sho- wait did you pack all your stuff?! Your leaving so soon?!" It was Daiki and I looked at him and he looked at me, we had become sorta like siblings over the last few weeks.

"Daiki, I can't stand him! I can't keep living in his house even if you all are here. Please understand." I sighed standing up and walking over to him with my arms crossed ready to argue with him.

"I understand but what about Tetsu? He needs you."

"No he doesn't. He's always been so independent. I'm the one who was always being looked after. Besides he has you and I know with you by his side no one will ever touch him."

"That may be true. Fine. But you have to call and we must meet up at Maji burger. Deal?"

"Deal." I smiled at him as and he picked up two of my suit cases and I got the other one. He helped me down to the front door where all the other boys plus Momoi were waiting for use.

"I'm going to miss you so much Ren!!" Ryouta yelled as he hugged me.

"Hey, we will still be able to model together and I will text you all the time. That goes for everyone!"

I was given hugs and some tried to give me a goodbye kiss but I would let them. As I was hugging Tetsu the door bell range.

"That's my ride... Oh I am going to miss you all so much!" I exclaimed hugging them all again before opening the door to Hisahi.

"Wait a second that doesn't look like a taxi driver! Who are you long haired man!" Kise yelled looking at Hisahi.

"Oh so Ren hasn't told you all about me yet?" Hisashi smiled his devilishly gorgeous smile.

"Oh um well guys this is Hisashi. My boyfriend! I love you all bye!!" I told them quickly, graded my luggage and ran out the door before anyone could kill me for having a boyfriend.

I did hear some screams of protest from a few of the boys. Mostly Ryouta and then there seemed to be an ominous laugh. Was that Daiki?!

As we drive away I looked back at my past of colorful haired friends then looked ahead of me, to my future.


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