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Rensena's POV

It's been a week today since I saw Hisashi. I haven't had one moment that I didn't think about the kiss but that didn't stop me from wanting to see him today. We had plans to go to a new bakery that just opened up a few weeks ago before Hisashi's shoot today. We had been texting about it all week. After we eat I have to go home and back for my Italy modeling trip. We are all leaving today at 5:00.

He was going to pick me up at 9:30 at the mansion. I was slightly nervous aborting having me picked up at the house because didn't want to give the impression that I was a snobby rich girl... And then there was the problem of the boys that I lived with. All of us had been getting pretty close over the last, except I still hated that two color eyed bastard, an they've become slightly possessive. It's not to bad because they seem to be always practicing basket ball or at school.

Right now I am deciding what to wear out of two options. The first; white skinny jeans with a orange lace top and flats. Or option two: a silver strapless summer dress that ends right above my knees and a pair of 3 inch white simple high heals.

"I can't decide!!!" I yelled in frustration as I looked at both options on my bed.

As I was holding up the dress I heard someone loudly hanging on my door.

"Ren? You in there?" I sawIt was Momoi as I flung open the door with relief.

"Momoi! Can you help me decide what to wear for a... Um, date?" I asked pleading and with my special secret art puppy dog eyes.

"Your going on a date?!?! Of course I will help you!! Omg I am so exited.!" She started gushing rainbows... We walked back over to my bed and immediately she picked up the the jeans and lace top.

She started going into super Momoi love mode and said "You should wear this one! It brings out your hair and eyes. Whoever you are seeing will instantly fall in love with your overwhelming beauty!"

"Oh, I don't think tha- Momoi interrupted me "umm, excuse me you are like the pretties girl I know! And your a model! So yes he will definitely fall in love!"

*BZZZZ BZZZZ* my phone went of and I grabbed it and look at the screen: You have a text from Hisashi Fujimoto

Hisashi: Ill be there in 5 minutes. Can't wait 2 see u;)

Me: awesome! I'll be waiting:P

I looked back up to Momoi telling her he was going to be here in 5 minutes. She said she had some home work and left. I quickly put the clothes and threw on some makeup. Nothing much, just a little mascara and lip gloss. After I was done I grabbed a small white purse and headed down stairs to meet him.


The door rang as soon as I put my food on the landing and I rushed to the door. I opened it to see a smiling Hisashi wearing blue jeans and a black v knock shirt. His hair was in a side pony tail over his right shoulder and he has his signature bright smile.

He greeted me with a"You look gorgeous as ever Ren." And a wink. He offered me his hand, I took it, and we headed down the coddles steps to his black Jaguar. I was still blushing from the complement as he opened the door of the car when he gave me a light peck on the cheek which made me blush even deeper. He got in the drivers seat and we headed out to the bakery.

"So what are you doing the rest of the day?" He asked keeping his eyes on the rode.

"I am going to pack later because I have a modeling trip with Stella-San tonight. We will be gone for 2 weeks." I replied as I looked at him smiling because I loved hearing his silky smooth voice.

"Oh. I heard about that trip, I wish I could go but it seems it's only for you and Ryouta... I would have loved to spend 2 whole weeks with you." Hisashi sighed glancing at me.

"I'm sure we will work together again soon. But in the mean time we will just have to go out together places. How does that sound?" My heart started fluttering as I looked at him.

"That sounds absolutely perfect!" We pulled into a medium sized parking lot and again Hisashi opened my door for me and took my hand. We walked to the doors of the bakery which was called 'Maria's Little Place: Chocolatier & Pastries'

Every table was full and looked like no one was moving anytime soon which made me sad because I was really looking forward to trying this place...

"Should we try something else? It looks very crowded here..." I asked not knowing what to do.

"Wait right here a moment. I'll be right back." He said as he weaved his aw through people until he reached the counter and exchanged a fe words with a waitress. He then looked over to me and waved singling for me to come to him. As I walked through the people I could hear them talking about Hisashi. "He so hot.0!" "Isn't he that model!!!" "Do you think he's single?" "He's way out of Your league!" "Hey!"

When I made it to him he put his arm around me and we started walking to a door covered in red fabric. We walked through to a staircase and headed up it. At the top of the staircase was a whole other seating area except it was all booths with curtains. We seated ourselves at one of the booths and shut the curtains.

"How did you get us this?" I asked in aww. He looked at me and laughed. Oh his laugh was so beautiful and rich I wanted to hear it all day.

He answered me with a light smile "My mom has known the owner for a very long time so we get the special treatment."

We talked for a few more moments then looked at the full menu. Wow did they have a lot of yummy looking things!

"May I come in?" We heard a voice from outside the curtains say. I told the feminine voice she may and it was one of the waitresses.

"Are you ready for me to take your order?" She asked us holding. Note pad and pencil. We said 'yes' and I ordered a vanilla bean filled custard pastry while Hisashi ordered a chocolate molten lava cup.

"Rensena, I know we haven't known each other very long but I really want to get to know you better because me I really like you. So I was wondering if you would be my girlfriend?" He surprised me by saying that in the middle of me eating my pastry. He had a slight blush and was looking Away from be probably expecting a negative response.

"I-I also really like you! I would be honored to be your girlfriend!" I whispered looking down. Because we were sitting across fro, each other in a round booth he slid over to me, cupped his hand on my chin, looked into my eyes, and kissed me. I was surprised at first but then I kissed back.

Hello, everyone! Wow it has been forever since I updated, how long has it been? Well anyway I hope you like this chapter! The next one will be about Ren going to Italy for the photo shoot. I hope you are enjoying my story! I will update when I can, I am a high school student so it get hard to write, sorry:(

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