Swimming and Momoi

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*Ren's POV*

'uhhhhhhhh Mondays suck!' I thought while sighting as Tetsu and I walked to school. Tetsu looked at me to see why I was sighing, he sometimes would just look at me and I would know what he was silently asking.

"I'm fine. Just tired that's all." I mumbled.

Tetsu said "Ok, see you later."

"Bye, the way I can't have lunch with you today I'm going to have lunch with my friends. Also I'm staying late to try out for the swim team." I was asked last week by the team's couch to join the swim team and I loved swimming so I accepted his offer of a try out for the team.

"Swimming...hmmm that's new for you." Tetsu answered than we parted ways so we could go to our classrooms.

Since I was at the top of all my classes and I had a good personality I was also nominated to be student council president. The first meeting was going to be held on Friday and that's the day I will present my speech to the student body. I was running against Akio Kurosani, I had never met him before so I was going to try and find and say hello this week.

I walked into my classroom and took my seat by the window. I still had 25 minute until class started and I was the only one there so I pulled out my draft speech paper and started working on it.

Finally my classmate started to file into the classroom and my two best friends Yun and Ella came over to me and we started talking about our weekends. I had not told them about the modeling but know seemed like a good time.

"So on Saturday I kind of became a model..." That left them speechless for a moment.

"What do you mean you became a model?" Ella asked with a puzzled look on her face. Yun also looked somewhat confused.

"Well when I was at the mall I was trying on this dress and then the designer of the dress was there and asked if I wanted to model for her... and it just kinda happened." I responded looking at my friends.

"So who are you modeling for? Do you get to model with any famous people?" yun asked me with stars in her eyes so she must have been dreaming of herself with a celeb.

"I'm modeling for Stella Lolang and I modeled with Kise Ryota last time." I told them.

"No freaking way!!! You not only get to model for the STELLA LOLANG but ALSO get to be in the same room as KISE RYOTA!" Ella fake sodded.

"Yes....." I replied in a small voice.

"How did you get to be a model aren't models supposed to be supper tall? You're like 5'1." Yun teased me as she lightly bumped my arm with hers.

"Ok, first of all I'm 5'2 and I guess I'm just that hot!" I retorted back at her.

"Oh, so you want to go there do y- "Students get in your seats class is going to start!" Our teacher called as he walked into the room with his brown briefcase. Yun looked at me like we were nor done walking about this and walked over to her seat and sat down.

*Lunch time*

Yun, Ella, and I went to the roof to eat out lunch since today was a nice day and we didn't want others around us. We sat down on a red blanket that Ella kept in her locker.

"We need to get down to the details. How did Kise Ryota smell?" Yun asked as we got out our lunches and dug in.

"Ummm, he smelled of..." what did Kise smell like? "Apples and cinnamon, but also something strong that I can't place."

"Wow, did he like touch you?" Yun asked again.

"You mean in the medeling? He did, we did do a lot of pictures with him and me hugging slightly." I answered her knowing I probably shouldn't have said that.

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