All's Well That Ends Well

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It's been 1 year since Rensena's Italy trip and her leaving Akashi Seijuro's house. Rensena has never been happier. Her life is exactly where she has always wanted it; amazing friends, a loving boyfriend, a fun job.

Rensena's modeling career took off, she has become an international model and travels all over the world and is a sponsor for many different brands. Modeling has become one of the biggest joys in her life and could never ask for anything else.

She has also started to have a better relationship with Tetsuya. She never had a bad relationship with him, but now they freely talk and hang out as much as possible. Unfortunately, they can't hang out as much as they would like since Rensena is away a lot and Tetsuya has basketball. His basketball career was not doing too bad either; he has made it all the way to Internationals with the Generation of Miracles. Whenever Rensena came back to Japan she would visit him and they would go out for milkshakes. Another thing they could bond over was there shared interest in boys, in the beginning Tetsuya would not talk about it but he opened up after much digging from Rensena's part. Kuroko even came out to the rest of his family, they didn't take it the best at first and still are a little bit touchy of the subject but are not full out horrible.

In the end Rensena made up with Akashi, as much as they could, but they still fought all the time. Rensena seemed to be one of the few people who could go against him, and when I say go against him it means they have full on screaming matches sometimes. Not the best when they are at 7:30 in the morning on a Saturday because someone *cough Rensena cough* drank all the coffee and someone else *cough Akashi cough* tried to use his empowers eye to make her pay, in the end someone would have to break them up or else they could go on like that for hours. Yes, it was a lively household even though Rensena didn't live there anymore but she still spends almost all her time there when she wasn't working.

The End (or not)

Hi.... I'm soooo sorry that this ended in such a crappy way but I just am lost and I can't think of anything else to write about it. I have more inspiration for other stories right now. I feel horrible that I ended like this and I know the last few chapters have been bad but I just don't know what to write about. Maybe in the future I will add to this story or make a second part about something like Rensena and her boyfriend or Kuroko's love life but don't get your hopes up because I'm a sucky person and may not actually do that.


I don't own any of the KNB character but the only thing i do own are my OCs. 

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