The New Model and Tetsu's Gay?!

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Hello, just wanted to inform you all that I will be making kuroko gay, meaning homosexual, please don't get butt hurt over this and if you don't like it you can leave this story:) also I do not own any of the KNB characters, I only own my

*Rensena's POV*
Its been a few weeks since we all came to live in this giant house and Momoi and I have become very good friends. Is it because we are the only girls, we get along, or all the boys are complete idiots?? Probably a little of each. But anyway today is Saturday and a week before my trip to Italy with the modeling crew. Even with the big trip coming up I still have to work today.

I look at my phone to check the clock as I walk down to the garage with like 15 different styles of cars. I immediately walk over to a black BMW that I have been using since I got here. I named her Chiriko and I even told everyone that if they even touched her they would be severely punished. After all I love my cars!

As I jump in the drivers seat I click open the garage door and zoom out after buckling my seat belt. It takes me a little longer to get to the studio now because I live farther away but It isn't to bad of a drive.

Today Ryouta will not be there because he has basketball practice so I will be modeling with another model today who I have never meet. After I told Ryouta I was not modeling with him today he tried to convince me that I should quit modeling if I could not be with him... He was going a little insane so Tetsu had to give him a long talking too.

*After the drive*

When I walked into the studio i saw the person I was modeling with. And let me tell you, he was beyond hot. He literally looked like an angel. He looked like he was 6'6 and had hip length lavender hair and dark lavender eyes. He was talking to Stella, Stella said something and he broke out in an deep, silky laugh.

I walked over to my dressers and put down all my things then walked over to where the gorgeous man and Stella were standing. Stella hugged me and introduced us. "Ren! This is Hisashi Fujimoto! And Fujimoto this is Rensena Kuroko! You to will be modeling with each other today and maybe in the future! Now I will let you to get equated! Bye lovelies!" Stella walked away than looked back then smiled and winked at me. What's with that?

"It's an honor to meet you Miss Kuroko." Fujimoto said as he bowed, what a gentleman! Unlike some boys I know...

I replied sheepishly "It is also an honor Fujimoto, But can you just call me Rensena or Ren? My brother is normally the one called Kuroko."

"Of course, whatever make you most comfortable... But if I call you Ren you must call me Hisashi." He said in such a cool manor and a wink to add. I trying not to but failing, blushed.

After we exchanged small talk we were called to start and we went to our separate changing areas. Today's style of clothing was called 'Spritely Spring' so I had a lot of spring dresses in pastel colors. The first dress I had
Was a knee length, light yellow, and small ruffled sleeves. Hisashi's first outfit was a pair of blue skinny jeans and a white v-neck shirt. I also had a white summer hat and light makeup.

As we walked onto the set Hisashi whispered to me, "Would you mind going out with me this weekend? Maybe to a cafe or movie?" I blushed and said "Yes! That would be fun!" And we started out first ever shoot together.

*After the shoot"
Today was a pretty short shoot so I got out at 2:30 and had the rest of the day off.

I walked outside the fancy building and stood there looking at my phone deciding what to do when someone came up behind me and whispered in my ear "So how about going to a cafe with me know instead of this weekend?" I whipped around to see Hisashi with his hair up in a pony tail. God he was so hot with long hair. (Inwardly drools)

I give him a big smile and a 'yes' and we start walking down the street. The cafe we were going to wasn't that far away so we could walk to it get a snack and easily walk back to our cars.

It took us around 5 minutes to get to the cafe but he talked and it was not awkward at all which I was thankful for. "So, how many siblings do you have, if you have any?" Asked Hisashi as we sat down at the window of the small cafe.

"I have two brothers..." In say and avert my eyes.

"You say that likes its a bad thing? Is it?" He asked and looks at me tenderly.

I look back up at him and decided I can trust him, "Well, one of my brothers is fine, awesome actually... But my other brother is... Well, he's kinda a jerk. Super controlling and he never likes to be out done in anything. He basically kicked me out for being better at something than him so I had to come live with my other brother. That wasn't the bad part, the bad part as being kicked out by my own brother..." I sighed and looked at him excepting him to look at me with pity but what I saw in his eyes was not pity. It was understanding!

After that we changed the subject when the white haired waiter with an eyepatch came and took out order. We didn't talk about anything sad or upsetting for the rest of the time and when we were done with our coffees and pastries we walked back to where our cars were parked, exchanged each of our numbers, and said our good byes.

"I had an amazing time, maybe we can do it again sometime? I also enjoyed modeling with you! Bye!" I smiled and said to the ever so gorgeous man.

"We must. I will text you," he smiles and continues, " I have another shoot next Sunday so maybe we can get a bite to eat before that?"


Hisashi stepped forward and leaned down, pressing his super soft lips to mine. We stayed like that for a few seconds. Then we parted lips and he walked off to his car. I stood there blushing for a moment then quickly got into my car and drove home, not stopping thinking about the kiss.

When I got back to the house and parked the car I saw the blue hair of Tetsu in one of the window. But the window was to an empty room so what was he doing in there?

I walked down the hallway to the room I saw Tetsu's hair in the window and when I opened the door what I saw made me drop my keys and purse.

It was my Tetsu kissing someone, but not just someone. The someone one was Aomine Daiki!

The sound of the door alarmed them an they both sharply looked over to me. Tetsu looked embarrassed and Aomine looked completely angry but also embarrassed.

"What are you doing in here!!!" Aomine yelled at me with his death glare in action.

"I-I just saw Tetsu's hair and I was wondering why he was in this room..." I said shocked and a little scared of Aomine.

Daiki looked like he was going to explode when Tetsu finally spoke up. "Ren please don't tell anyone, we aren't ready."

" I promise I won't!," I was about to exit the room but I turned around and said, "I approve!!!" And ran full speed to my own room and locked the door behind me.
'What a crazy day...'


Hope everyone liked this chapter! See y'all next time! Bye

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