See Me Down

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"You don't understand, I need to leave!" I yelled trying to reason with my doctor for the third time.

"We can't have you leave Ms. Ricci, it's not safe yet." Dr. Graham sad seeming defeated and annoyed.

"My brother is dead. I have to go be with my mother, now!"

"Ms. Ricci I-"

"We got it, it's okay, I'll make sure she stays here." Brandon said interrupting him.

"What the fuck? Brandon I have to go!" I yelled now completely angry he wasn't on my side.

"Thank you Doc." He said then shaking his hand.

Doctor Graham left and I flopped down on the bed with tears falling down my cheeks, I was so frustrated I wanted stab Brandon.

I looked up and he was grabbing a duffle and throwing stuff inside it. He opened the closet across the room and grabbed my bag of things from the accident.

"What are you doing?" I asked confused and angry.

"Lani shut up and grab my phone." He said not even turning to look at me.


"Just do it man damn." He said then looking up at me mugging me.

I rolled my eyes and picked his phone up, he came over to me with clothes over his forearm.

"Come here." He said reaching for my hands.

He held a pair of sweatpants out in front of me for me to put my feet in. He put my heart rate patch under his shirt so he could put a hoodie on me. I put my hands through the hoodie and got it over my head and it barely fit over my belly. He slid a pair of Nike slides on my feet and helped me stand up. He went around the bed and turned off the EKG machine. He threw the duffle over his shoulder and led me out the room door.

"Bran, what are you doing?" I whispered as we looked into the hall.

"We getting you outta here."

He went straight across the hall out an emergency exit and the cold Chicago air hit my cheeks making my eyes water. We were on the side of the hospital on the second level parking deck. He jogged ahead of me and went around two cars until he saw his and quickly unlocked the door opening the passenger door for me to get in. He closed my door and went around to his side throwing the duffle in the backseat.

"Put on your seatbelt." He said securing his and starting the car.

He backed out and sped out the parking lot toward the highway. I was so relieved he was actually helping me, but still horrified at the thought of my brother being gone.

He went straight to my mom's house, no one was outside which was unusual. He helped me out and we went to the door and knocked.

"Oh my god, Milani please come in!" My mom barely yelled through a cracked voice.

"Mommy what happened?" I asked as me and Brandon stepped in.

"I was at work, Cairo wasn't home when I got back and I called Kyman to ask if he had seen him, he said he hadn't all day so I knew something was wrong. Then Kyman called me back and said something bad happened, that Cairo got into it with some guys they didn't know. He didn't know where he was, but received an anonymous call that Cairo was dead."

"Did you call the police?"

"They came here, they were useless! They said they couldn't do anything unless they actually had proof or his body."

"August called me."

"I called your aunt, I had to tell her."

"Mommy, come here." I said seeing her shaking so I pulled her into a hug.

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