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Rowan's P.O.V:

2 weeks.2 weeks since my father died.2 weeks since i didn't left my room.2 weeks since we kissed.My father's funeral was 2 days ago, but since that the only thing that i ate was chocolate, chocolate,chocolate.I was really depressed.

Our love needs no name,we got a thing we can't explain,don't care what people say, let's call it whatever whatever.You, me, got everything,no, i don't need a diamond ring...

I took my phone quickly knowing who she was.

"Hi Bella!"I say happily.I met her at the Teen Vogue event 2 years ago,and i miss her a lot.

"Hi Rowboat!I heard about your father.I'm sorry"

"It's okay.Thanks.How are you and Greg doing?"I ask, trying to avoid my father's thing.

"Actually, we're engaged!"

"Oh my god, that's amazing!You guys are meant to be for each other"

"Thanks Row.And of course you will be one of my maids!But that's not why i call you.I call you because i'm doing a new movie, and they need someone to be my daughter.So, i talk to them about you, they talk to the producers and they want you for the role!"

"Really?This is amazing!Thanks so so much!" I squealed like a little girl.

"There's only a few details.They need an answer now,and it will be recorded....in England"

My mouth dropped open.England?This is amazing!I mean, i will miss L.A and all the people that are in there, but...England?!This will be a dream come true!

"if i acepted, i will live in England?Without my family?"

"And they want you to spend your high school and college there"

"Are you serious?"

"So..what do you say?"

"Can you please calm me later?I have to ask my mom about it"

"Okay, i will call you in an hour.Bye Rowboat!"

"Bye A-A"I say as i finish the call and quickly run dowstairs.

"Mom, can i please talk to you for a second?"

"What's up honey?"

"Do you remember Bella Thorne?"

"Of course!She's Carmen's role model.She's always talking about her"

Ok, that offended me.

"Well, she call me.She's making a new movie and the directors want me to be her daughter in it"

"Honey, that's amazing!Why aren't you exited?"She ask me, clearly confused.

"It will be recording in England"

"And?..what's the problem?"

"They want me to spent the high school and the college there"

"I still don't see the problem honey"

"So, you will let me move there?"I ask, as confused as she were.

"Of course sugar!This is a big chance for you, and i know that your dream is going to England"

"Ok, thanks mommy!I love you!"I ran upstairs and quickly called Bella.

"I will go to England!"I scream.

"Really?This is amazing!The director will call you for more details.You will leave in 2 days!Bye Row!"

2 days?Only 2 days?How i will tell Sabrina?My sister?How will the fans react?And the worst of all..How i will tell Peyton?"

Behind The Wedding~Reyton (REWRITING)Where stories live. Discover now