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Rowan's P.O.V:

Today is the day i'm leaving.i couldn't sleep last night because my fight with Peyton.I really like him, and it hurts me seeing him hurt.

Right now i'm at my room, seeing all my old posters and the things i will left.I love LA, but England is my dream, and no matter how much i will miss everybody here, this is for the best.

"Rowan, let's go"My mother said interrupting my thoughts.

I'm going to the Carpenter's house to pick up Sabrina and Sarah because they want to accompany me to the airport.

As we go there, and i knock the door, Sarah open it with tears in her eyes.


"Are you ready?"I ask, trying to not cry too.

"Just give me a second.SABRINA!ROWAN IS HERE!"

"GIVE ME A MINUTE!"we heard sabrina yells upstairs.


"Okay, i'm here.Let's go"

We get to my mom's car,and we go to the airport.

When we go there, everyone was there:Peyton List, Bella, that was going in the same plane with me,Dove,Corey,Ben,Danielle,August,Ocean,Olivia Holt,Olivia Stuck,Bradley,Peyton Clark,Karan,Debby,Darby,Landry Bender,Carmen and Shane , that came with my grandparents.Even Michael Jacobs and Peyton's parents was here.Everyone was here except him.

"I don't know why he's not here.He said he will come"Peyton's mom explain.

"It's okay.It's my fault.He was very mad yesterday"I said, trying to not cry.

Peyton's P.O.V:

I couldn't sleep yesterday.I was very hurt.I can't believe that she didn't tell me.I love her, a lot, but that was crossing the line.She broke my heart.But, i broke her heart too.

When i woke up, i didn't knew if i have to go to the airport.My parents are going,but i don't feel like i have to.

"I don't wanna go"

"Are you sure Peyton?She will be so hurt if you don't go"

" That's not true.She will be okay"i snapped.

"Okay, but if you change your mind,we will be here"

Suddenly i start thinking about my moments with Rowan.When we met, when we kiss, when we have to do the fake wedding, when we go to dinner after go to work, when i kiss her in her house, in my house, and now this.And then i remember that i didn't tell her that i love her.

"You know what?I will go.But i have to do something first"

"Ok,but please don't be late"She said as she leave the house with my dad.

I quickly go to my car and drove to a store to buy her a white bear and pink roses, and, of course, chocolate.

Rowan's P.O.V:

"Rowan, it's time to go"Bella said.

"Ok, let me say goodbye to everybody"

"Bye Row, we will miss you so much"August and Ocean said with tears in their eyes.

"I can't.I just can't"Sabrina and Sarah exclaim and i quickly go to hug them.

"Don't forget us, alright?"Carmen and Shane whisper.

"How could i?"I said hugging them.

"You were the best little sister"Peyton and Dove cry.

"You are the best fake daugther in the world"Ben and Danielle said.

As i say goodbye to everybody else, i took my bag and start walking through the airport door, when suddenly i heard someone yelling my name.

"Peyton!"i yell as i run and hug him

"I'm so sorry Peyton.I should tell you"

"It's okay Rowan, it's okay"

"This are for me?"I ask when i saw a teddy bear and a box of chocolates.

"Of course Row.I want you to remember me, so i want you to give you this"He said giving me the flowers and the teddy bear."And this"He said...and he kiss me.And of course i kiss him back.I really miss his soft lips.And i will miss it.

"Last call for the passengers of the flight 13721 for London, England, now you can aboard"We heard as we pull away.

"So..It's time to go Rowan"Bella said.

"Bye Peyton"I said as i give him a kiss on the cheek.

"Bye everybody!"

When i was giving my ticket to the guard, i heard Peyton yell:

"I love you Rowan Blanchard!"

I turn around and i mouth the words "i love you too".Bella and i enter to the plane and we took our seats.

"He loves you"Bella whisper.

"I know"

I know you hate me for this.10 votes for the next chapter!

Behind The Wedding~Reyton (REWRITING)Where stories live. Discover now