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Rowan's P.O.V:

The next day

I will go to England tomorrow, and everybody knows.Except him.I had been avoiding him for 2 damn weeks and i don't know what to do right now.What this will mean for us?I mean, i know that he had feelings for me, and i obviously have feelings for him too.But he hurt me.And England is my dream, and working to the incredible Bella Thorne too.LA give me so many memories.The day i met Sabrina,Corey and Peyton.When my sister Carmen was born.Or Shane.When i received a text telling me that i was going to work with my favorite TV couple.When "Invisible Sister" premiere had more that one million viewers.When i had my first kiss with Peyton.The fake wedding.The real kiss.My father's dead.My broken heart.Twice.I just couldn't take it anymore.I'm leaving and i'm happy about it.

I don't tell the fans about it, but they're rumors everywhere.So i decided to tweet something.

"So,yeah, the rumors are true.Tomorrow is the big day.I will miss you so much guys.I hope i will see you in the premiere of the movie!I love you guys.You were, are and you will always be the best that happen to me.I love you.Never forget me.


In less than 10 seconds i received thousands of comments like "Don't leave!" Or "You will always be in our hearts" and a few ones like "I hope i see you in England!"
Now i have to do the hardiest thing i do since i met him.I have to tell him that i'm leaving.

Peyton's P.O.V:

Since we kissed, i haven't talk to Rowan.I miss her.I can't see her at work because suddenly the cancelled all.They were rumors that is because they need to find another Riley, but i don't think that's real.She will told me.
I was thinking about our "thing" if i can call it like that.I like her, a lot.I like her smile, her laugh, her soft lips, her beautiful brown eyes and her hair.Her personality, the way she doesn't care if she have to died just to help a friend.The way she love looking at her Twitter when she received texts for her fans.The way she do her happy dance when she get to 1 million followers.I really love her

Wait, did i just say i love her?

And then i, Peyton Meyer, thinking alone in my room, realized that i love Rowan Blanchard.

"So, now that i know that i love her, what was i suppost to do now?"I ask Bradley.

"I'm really sorry that you realize it now, you know, because of the movie and all those stuff"

"What are you talking about?"

"She didn't tell you?"

"Tell me what?"I ask, more confused than before.

"Sorry!I gotta go..Just talk to her, alright?"

"Bradley, please tell me wha-"But i couldn't finish because he run out of my house.

Tell me what?

I quickly go downstairs, take the keys of my car, and i drove to Rowan's house.

When she open the door, she seems very surprised to see me there.

"Can i come in?"

She just nodded.

"Why are you here Peyton?"

"You know why i'm here.Something is happening and you don't tell me so i'm here"

"Why do you thing something is happening?"She ask very nervous.


"Okay.Do you remember Bella Thorne?The girl you have a crush on when you were 10?"

I just nodd.

"well, she's making a new movie,in England.And she talked about me to the producers and they need a girl to make her daughter,so they give the the job.I have to move out of here and live in England with her"

Suddenly my heart stops beating

"Wh..ee..nn do you le..eave?"I ask, hoping she will answer like "in a year" or something.


"Somebody else knows?"

"Everybody knows except you Peyton"

"But you will come back right?"

"I will spent the high school and the college there"

What?Are you kidding me?I tried to say something, but i could't talk.

"Peyton, talk to me, please"

But i didn't hear her.I quickly get out of her house.I can't believe she's doing this to me.And i can't believe that i'm the one who make her do this.

I'm such an idiot.

Hi guys!I can't believe this.We're so close to the end!This is so sad that i literally cried writing this.You guys are amazing.Thanks so much for the support.I doesn't deserve you guys.Thanks for wait for this chapter,i think is worth the wait, do you like it?10 votes for the next chapter!Love you guys, hope you like it❤️

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